Saturday, December 31, 2011

Well another year done and dusted....

alot of changes this year some great some good and only a few stinkers. On a whole a much better year than in the past 8 years the seond half of the year has been wonderful for Samuel and I. We have had a lovely xmas and xmas day, and are going to have a New years dinner lamb roast (only time we can eat it or afford it!!!!) and trifle sponge, and during the day we are doing FANNIE ANNIE nothing!!!!

We are selling fundraising thundersticks (light random pattern ADULT sized light sticks) at a NYE venue and band concert 9now shifted to inside venue!!) has been raining for days here so everyones NYE plans are changing.... because of it.

I hope everyone has a lovely New Year and time with their families.


Friday, December 09, 2011

Baby pics ............

Introducing Riley Ralph Garry Allen. Dad Kevin Mum Debbie. They are so thrilled and what a gorgeous boy he is I had loads of cuddles and clucking!

Samuel had huge cuddles and Riley squeaked and squirmed and made all those beautiful baby noises.
The smell of new baby is intoxicating and I got to spoil Riley too.


Thursday, December 08, 2011

A new baby yay!!!

My ex future sister in law and also my friend for over 20 years had her first baby tonight born 6.49pm a boy weighing 3.5kg by c section I am making a hurried trip tomorrow after lunch spending a few hours then travelling home tomorrow night.
Or being this close to xmas I wont get to see the new baby until after 28th Dec!!!!

I'm so excited after 10 years of trying 20+ miscarriages we have a baby.

I will post pics of course
Jaxx it is Debbie and Kevin of course!!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Will this luck END?

I checked my lotto ticket today and won $422 dollars 5 numbers on a FREE ticket I won when you put your old non winning tickets into a barrel for redraw!!!!
ALSO 2 amazing things happened today I didn't mention but 10 years ago I got this most amazing one off solid sterling silver thumb ring imagine 3 mens belt buckles looped and it is as wide as knuckle to knuckle solid heavy and unique I love this ring WELL when Samuel andI went to the Wales Samoa RWC game I LOST IT!!!! was gutted very upset actually I didnt put it on as I had mesh gloves on and some mornings it doesnt want to go on easily I THOUGHT I had stashed it down my usual hiding place ( yip my bra) dumb I know, and jumped up and down so much it was dislodged ALTHOUGH how anything can escape my boobs and bra is beyond me!!!

Samuel had camp all last week just got home tonight he had my bum bag that I wore on that RWC game day and in the mesh zipped pocket was my ring!!!!!!!!!!! I whooped with joy and danced around even, then tonight looking in my make up case I found my missing white gold earring that was lost on same day as ring ........ HOW blardy cool was that!!!!!
I am on cloud nine tonight, money and jewellery how special am I!!!!!!
I want to say another thing with my winnings the horse race money I gave $100 to the foodbank of food items all on special items amounted to 10 grocery bags quite chuffed with that nearly 85 items not bad shopping eh, $100 to SPCA for puppies and kitten food, $100 to womens refugee shelter, my dad always said pay it forward today I gave $100 to plunket. alot I know but that was 10% of winnings nearly so almost the same as tithing at a church!
My son had an awesome awesome camp sun surfed and sand at Whangamata snorkelled fished kayaking climbing tramping, tenting came home brown as a berry lucky bugger and unpacked his bags put 2 loads washing on he hung it all out had shower had HUGE dinner in bed 915pm!!!!!!! He is his mothers son thats for sure......
Have an awesome weekend everyone.
Ciao Blondie