Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm such a useless mother!

I forgot to blog my babys 16th BIRTHDAY on Sunday, but when you read what we have been doing you will understand SIT down and get comfortable this is going to be a long haul post!!!
June 2012 all things going swimmingly then HELLO wheels fall off and where we were staying was untenable ( a prodigal son returned  AN UNWELL prodigal son!), me and Samuel were desperately looking for new digs and IT HAD to be like within 48 hours we ended up bunking down in a friends rumpus room for 3 weeks until we found somewhere it isn't ideal but it will do it is close to town and school.

July is exam getting ready month and Samuel like all first time NCEA examers was studying hard out like they do WHAT I HEAR you say some students ok a few students keep on top of things Samuel is one of those. He has as of today 74 credits internally already you only need 80 to pass so he is well and truly sorted before external exams and is relieved most of the pressure is off. HE has applied himself really well, and has been to Mon/Tues/Wed/ after school turtorial and Thurs lunchtime... for the last 2 months+.

That's inbetween Kapa Haka, Karate and fundraising, although some of those have been buttoned back a bit to concentrate on studies.

So we packed and moved twice in 3 weeks had to find A household of furniture and start from scratch NOT an easy task when you need everything!!!!!! And it has taken this long to get things I have been garage saleing to find things and some bigger items were gifted to me a small fridge, a secondhand washing machine, i even needed cutlery, bedding, towels etc etc etc.

Samuel had Karate nationals the week before internal exams he got two 2nd places, and MOST improved and BEST technique trophies from Takahashi (Sensei from Japan), it was a Thrus/Fri/Sat/Sun then the Monday that's when the exams started! Samuel ate twice as much that week went to school every morning with a FULL cooked breakfast to tide him through.

Kapa haka has had most weeks one or two Powhiri and fundraising Hangi, the group is doing all our towns Powhiri for Citizenship awards, last week they had on the Monday, am Powhiri citizen ceremony 11am Primary school Powhiri yr 7/8 welcoming, 2pm Powhiri, Taupo Youth awards Powhiri 7pm!!!! then WED Hangi to prepare 300, Thurs Tuwharetoa Festival performance, Thurs 200 Hangi prepare for Friday festival lunchgoers!! This week the group are performing at the School Sports awards opening the awards ceremony and we have only one other Powhiri I CAN'T wait for the holidays.

We are in fundraise mode, the downside is I can't go this time as the cost is $4000 per person so that's too much for me and Samuel to go I don't have the earning capacity to fund that much (thats with fundraising taken off it's about $6000pp) or a partner to contribute, BUT I do my bit for the entire group and the kids it is all about them at the end of the day they are the ones performing at the cultural festival week long then 7 days holiday plus 2 days travelling. I am however looking for more work or more hours to maybe get myself A MUCH earned break I am tired, well over tired, and even if Samuel goes I can rest here without him JUST won't be as warm!! I just don't think I will make the 12 months until I get a break.

Why you ask? My silly boss went skiing and 3 weeks ago tore 3 of the 4 knee ligaments, he needs major surgery BUT they won't operate until swelling goes down and A RESONABLE movement level returns, I inbetween all this have been Driving Miss Daisy!! mail errands, chauffering etc, when he has the operation I will more than likely have extra hours there  14 week recovery then physio then rehab etc then after 6 months MAYBE it will be right, BUT until then no biking driving skiing trailbiking tennis sports and he did all those things!

I am thoroughly looking forward to school holidays.... lie in a little even.

I do hope everyone has been keeping warm and sane!
