Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wasn't too late.......

Got home at midnight SO not too bad, slept until 7.40am lay in bed until 9am!!!!!! I have no washing no ironing no jobs as it WAS ALL DONE yesterday I am still in me lava lava BUT might go for a short walk today sun is peeking through AND I THINK it is gonna be HOT!!!!!!! Got some sunbathing in yesterday and will do that again today.

Might even head in for a coffee THATS if town not too busy!!!! IRONKIDZ is on here this morning (weetbix wouldnt hold a triathlon here Waipahihi School (my son old primary) does it AND THEY DO IT VERY WELL!!! for the last ohhhhhhhh 13 years I think THERE major fundraiser). Saturday was across the lake swim, and NEXT weekend is the IRONMAN !!!!!!!! 2 weeks ago was Kinloch Triathlon so IT IS ALL about exercise and buff bodies everywhere!!!

A short post today last night you could hear the concert music ALL over town, IT WAS A STILL NIGHT and a full moon AND BOY did it get cold!!!!! Was a superb evening for a concert!

Hope everyone has a super day!


Saturday, February 27, 2010


WOW BIG frost yesterday and this morning CRISP CRISP FROST!!!! I do sooo love this time of year it is glorious!!

Last night our CORNBEEF WAS SCRUMMDIDDLYIOUS we had salad instead of veges CAUSE it was sooooo darn hot.....

And thats why we get frosts HUGE temperatures THEN HUGE DROPS overnight not good for asthmatics!!!

I walked this morning 10km BEAUTIFUL at 6.00am just still and beautiful LAKE flat as , just glorious AND HUGE SUNNY SKIES just glorious .

AND at 8am we went garage saleing I love garage saleing it is so nice to moocha round, I got a gorgeous duvet cover in blues for my son, and spent the rest of my money on other nic nac things.I have washed the cover and only have 10 things on my washing line AND just 2 of those things ARE IRONING!!!!! YAY even better.

I got too sunbathe yesterday and right now I am going to sunbathe some more, I have my famous meatloaf in the oven as boys are going to have meatloaf salad and mashed potatoes yummmmmo.

I on the other hand are having whatever the kiddies WANT and it could be my equally famous nachos, or equally famous macaroni cheese who knows!

Yesterday whilst I sunbathed I got too read my "Mana" magazine from cover to cover BRILLIANT and I enjoyed the warmth I didnt sunbathe until 3.45pm and managed 40 mins each side!!!

TODAY however probable only 25 min per side MAX today is going to be a scorcher BELIEVE ME!!!!!

And on this glorious day HAVE a good day whatever it is you are doing!!!


Friday, February 26, 2010

Ohhhhhhhhhh very COLD this morning

and the changeable weather starts I AM SOOOOO GLAD I walked a big walk BECAUSE yesterday the RAIN was horrendous on and off COLD one minute as the front progressed then humid and muggy once it had passed!!!!

Have work this morning just waiting on SHEETS to finish so I can hang them out!!! and GET a head start for tomorrow, (I am working from 1pm until 1am!!!!!) my employers have their post christmas WORK DINNER at TIM FINN BIC RUNGA and DAVE DOBBYN concert it the main act starts at 9.30pm and finishes 11.30pm!! They will head into town afterwards GAWD I HOPE I GET HOME EARLY............ they also get to see Boh Runga and Che Fu!!!! (lucky buggers).

IT IS super sunny here BUT very cold and I will do a 10km walk tomorrow morning before work SO I have at least achieved something in my day ( I hope they aren't too late because YOU COULD right off SUNDAY if they are super late WITH PURE TIREDNESS!!!!) and I hate wasting a WHOLE DAY! mmmmmmmmmm ATLEAST I will get to watch RUGBY on their sky channels (I dont have SKY) YAY.

Right off to shower and wait for the washing to finish (have to get Son to swimming lessons after school and then thats it ), I have a cornbeef in the crockpot I am cooking fried cinnamon cabbage mustard honey glazed carrots and garlic mashed peas!!!! with creamy (soy milk mashed potatoes with finely chopped parsley!!!!) I WANT DINNER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I forgot to post yesterday? I thought I had OH WELL

Oh no thats right the second Monday post was actually finished IN Tuesday time slot but didn't show that.

IN all my RANTING and RAVING I forgot to add in that 2 - 3 times a week I am walking in excess of 2-3 hours at a time if you count from the time I wake up and WAIT to the time I get going to the time I SOAK my aching tired feet to the time I TAKE TO SHOWER it is 3 1/2 hrs of time!!!

NOW these longer walks are taking from time of WAKING up to SHOWER TIME 4 - 5 hrs!!!!!!

TAKE TODAY I got up at 6am waited until 6.45am!!!! started ********** I WALKED 18km **********today took 3 hrs 10 mins! finished 11am though (I KNOW BUT READ ON!!!)!!! REALLY pleased with that BUT in that time frame after 2.3km I stopped at house to wake up the others, then at the 7km mark I stopped in at house and rung the school to leave message for TEACHER to ring me AND put on the CURRIED sausages for dinner (for the others whom werent at TEACHER parent night!), at 10km MARK I changed sneakers and socks WHICH I HAD READY, saw SAMUELS school friend VERY LATE for school and RAN him in too school so he wasnt late he passed my driveway at 8.35am!!!!, at 15km MARK I needed to PEE, I made it to the end of 18km after being on my feet AT THAT point for 5 HOURS!!!!!!!!!! LAST 2km legs were achey! I ate a protein bar at 12km mark, I DRANK fluid replace at 13km MARK which I had ready and frozen in letterbox waiting for me!!!! WHEN I FINALLY reached home I soaked my legs and feet in LOADS of ice and water, I ate a banana and HAD poached eggs (thanks Jason he cooked them for me) IT WAS NOW 11.45am I needed to shower and wash and dry my hair SO I could be at the hairdressers by 12.45 to get hair trim and straighten!) I bought a CHICKEN and avocado HUGE wholegrain salad sandwich and polished that off! THEN it was straight to work from there and I finsihed at 5.45pm AS we had a Year 9 parent teacher meeting night with BBQ and introductions to FORM teachers etc!!!

SO IN ALL my day has been fairly busy, I dont walk again until SAT thats a 10km Mon a 10km then WED or THURS is the 20km/21km WILL see how I AM FEELING at the 18/19km mark to ascertain whether I am pushing out the last 2km TO MAKE a half marathon distance!!!!

FORGOT to say for the last 3 weeks I have been doing NO CARBS after 2pm and that is working cool I am substituting burritos with iceberg lettuce leaves, potato with kumara (YUM), NO PASTA, and generally finding it easier too, END RESULT A 3KG weight loss in 12 days SO thats even better AND THATS WITH my period too!

WHEN I do the 20km or 21km walk I will then walk for 5 weeks at 3 x 10km walks ONLY then on the 6th week I will do 2 x 10 1 x 12, 2 x 10 1 x 14, 2 x 10 1 x 16 etc until I get to the magic 20km mark again!!! TOO save money I will do unofficial times BUT TAUPO WILL be AN OFFICIAL WALK and I will register!!!! (please GOD please hear my plea NO RAIN or WIND OK!!!!!!!!!)

Right on that note I am off to get some much needed SHUT EYE!!!! AND elevate my legs or at the very least GET HORIZONTAL I soooooo can feel a snore off coming

TOMORROW morning I am having a little lie in!!! YAY AS I had put washing on in one of my many stops at the house IT was hung out for me and THEN tonight it was all picked in and folded so that WAS NICE!!!! ( I will iron soon as I only have 6 things to iron!) EVEN BETTER!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A very long Day!!!


I sunbathed, I played cards with son, and battleships (his favourite), and then CRIB my favourite then upwords, then tri ominos, THEN we went to the lake IT WAS STINKIN hot yesterday and had a lovely swim!!!!

Came home put on the ROAST chicken and had THE MOST scrummiest dinner we were starving after swimming I HAD FRUIT too tide me over!

Everyone had pancakes cept me I had peaches!! Had an ok sleep and started today hitting the floor running literally went for a quick 7km walk EARLY EARLY as today was gonna BE HOT and it was!!, just the usual, washing out (mostly towels), RUNNING cooking containers to Samuel up the road in me LAVA LAVA (I was in the car though) and sneakers for school as well.Home showered and off to work all by 9am!!!

Worked longer than normal today and only had an hour inbetween heading back to work!! (had a swim in that hour cause TODAY WAS unbearably hot!!!), then back to work dropped son off at karate cooked a BBQ for 7 people, picked up son, had dinner THEN we all went swimming AND MY GOD the water was divine!!!! at 8pm!!! HEAPS of people out n about, got home and Samuel says "OH BTW mum can I please have some muffins and a chocolate cake for school tomorrow A SHARED year 9 TUTOR luncheon SO Iwas baking at 8.30pm 8.45pm and have just finished baking cleaning up dinner dishes (someone else washed them I just put them away!), and then I had to do baking dishes, wait for cake to COOL (blardy hard in this heat!) and I have prepared icing TO ICE it and thank god ITS DONE!!!!. I watched sort of "Brothers and Sisters", and now I am slightly tired but WIRED at the sametime (stranger still).

Thanks Lynise and Chris for the comments, I know I dont have to justify myself really, BUT there are some things I feel I must point out I DONT HAVE FAMILY at all supporting me (no mother or sister (my sibling) no aunties or Uncles or even Grandparents ) I dont have the luxury of MY CHILD being off for a weekend here and there or being whisked away by aunties or uncles, I dont even have the financial support and emotional support of a partner. I AM SHUNNED from the family because of THE CHOICE I MADE 7 years ago!! SO I AM IT ( MY CHOICE) and yes I do do alot of things for others AND LYNISE you are RIGHT "WHERE is there someone doing stuff for me " SHORT answer there isn't. I LEARN'T along time ago TO BE INDEPENDENT a long time ago I was 14 years old! I AM IT, ME thats all there is AND I have to be strong and carry alot AND I DO IT !! THROW into that mix Jason's FAMILY (My ex) whom I still love and care for on a daily basis HIS FAMILY they don't support HIM or ME in any way shape or form!!! (THEY NEVER HAVE they never will!). (and it is not because I DO TOO MUCH it is because they bury their heads in the sand and refuse to believe Jason has a serious mental illness ASK JAXX) oh and becasue IM not a YES GIRL (like ya hadn't guessed that already lol).

People often say to me I do TOO MUCH, BUT tell me this IF I DONT DO IT WHO WILL? IF i let things get on top of me (housework wise, and all those other incidental jobs) what does that achieve (more stress? unwanted stress?a chaotic household?) Because at the end of my DAY the buck stops with me. YES its harsh but thats how it is I resigned myself to that FACT A VERY LONG TIME AGO, AM I HAPPY with my lot SHORT ANSWER yes!! I have to be or else WHAT GOOD comes of saying I cant do this anymore?

Why because I put in 110% and I cant ask for more than that can I, I know I try my hardest and I give more than my share BUT at the end of MY DAY I CAN honestly SAY, I ME I have achieved all that NOT anyone else.

AND my god it makes me the strong person that I am, thats for sure.

Tomorrow (slash today as its now TUESDAY) I have bills and groceries WHICH is being done super EARLY so I can sunbathe the CROCKPOT will be cranked and on by 6.30am and thats dinner sorted for one lot! I am off towork at 1pm should finish around 8.30pm IF its hot again I may just sneak a swim in on the way home!! at 8.32pm! ( I do hate the fragmented working day it does mess around with all the things I could be doing!!!)

AND on that note I had better hit the HAY!!!

I read everyones blog entries your days had nice things in them heres to long may it continue through the week.


Phew Im here!!!!!!!

but only just THOUGHT I had better sign in jsut in case yall thought ID gotten sucked up the vaccuum!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Definitions of FUN..........

I have said before I have a peverse sense of clean (thanks to my ANAL retentive mother SHE was one of those PLASTIC covered furniture people!!!) Well literally once she had cleaned and tdied you werent allowed to sit on the furniture or on the beds!!!!! I HAVE to dust and vaccuum TWICE a week for Samuels Asthma I make sure to the best of my abilities my house is resonably dustless and in the long run it helps him. THE WASHING THING is definately FROM MY MOTHER I know I have issues there I have always admitted to that AND am not ashamed or embarrassed by it ( consequently I iron everyday nearly TO keep on top of that 5 - 10mins max) I have a dinky TINY iron board that sits on the table or over the arms of a lounge chair on on your lap and I iron while watching TV!

I should have elaborated further yesterday, I am in the process of putting a bigger bed into my sons room BUT in order to do that THE BED in the garage WHICH has been in ther for 4 months, my friend was TAKING it but she needed to see it first (she lives in TAUPO) she finally came and looked at it THURS YES she says I will take it. (and I had to deliver it!)

SO to move a bigger bed into sons room, bed in garage HAD TO GO first, because of the extra draws and roller storage in his room I couldnt fit it in until GARAGE bed went so when that went yesterday I was finally able to push RX 7 race car out and sweep leaves in garage to enable me to put storage boxes there and an extra unused set of small draws to make room for the bed in sons room !!! (that job didnt take long) Following me (lol), AND because I had stripped the beds in order to change duvet covers WHEN I do that I wash valances (dont we all do that?)as well I thought WHAT the hell I will do the mattress protectors too (AS i knew weather was going to be corker) and seen as all the beds were totally stripped I flipped mattresses and I vaccuumed uinder everything at sametime (dont you guys do that?) SO in order to FINISH ONE JOB it actually spiralled TO A FLOW ON EFFECT to complete ALL JOBS. (AND who hasn't done that started one job which then became several! lol)

AND while my son and I tackled his room our chinese student did his room totally and then we all did my room (mine took the shortest amount of time) IT sounded alot of work but only took 4 1/2 hours from 10am till noon then from 12.30 till 3pm (christ I am anal I even know how long it took to the T) also in that time THE last bit of gardening I did and the small lawns got mowed!! I knew if I stopped once I got in from my walk I wouldn't get going again!!! SO I just head down arse up and went hammer and tong. I am glad I did I achieved alot AND thats my spring cleaning out of the way.

OH BTW my legs are a little sore today BUT NO as sore as I thought they would be!

Im sure I dont have to explain running a household is TOUGH I actively work at TWO households and run 2 households (mine and where I work) I live next too a WIDOW whom happens to be my best friend (I/WE Jason me and Samuel ) help her alot firewood, repairs whether it inside or outside (yesterday I fixed the dripping/running outside tap at her place), electrical, the race cars she has 3 racecars, mechanical, ITS what families do, anything she cant handle we have a crack at it SO IN EFFECT I am helping at 3 households which comprise of 7 adults total and 3 children!!!! 6 cats and a puppy (which isn't mine AND I run him on occassion and take him for swims!)

WHICH brings me to the fun part I am an active member of community support and (my zany friend Lorraine she is A VOLUNTEER EXTREMEIST ask JAXX) ropes me into helping her alot I am a helper and an organiser seeing end results is my peverse form of "fun" for me, YOU guys also know I am involved in alot of school stuff in school and out of school, I do get a kick from that (although once again purely as an organising doing capacity), If there is anyhting going I put my hat in the ring I LOVE helping out and being involved I cant help that its in me NATURE!!

Fun things for me are coffee with friends, movies, CARDS and board games (when the family will let me) I enjoy shopping although I dont get to partake much in that when THERE are events on in Taupo we join in its FREE its ENTERTAINING and I feel I am putting back to MY community I dont go out alot I HAVE never done that A: I dont drink B: I dont want to waste $100 + on a meal out when WE have superb dinners at my friends house AND on those nights there are approx 7 - 8 of us we all contribute and enjoy good food and company, WE in the RUGBY season watch the RUGGA hard out always have Friday night footy a group of us converge on my friends chip dip and loads of yelling!!!(swearing on occassion!), and when RACING season opens (car) we are out the track alot. FUN things are different things to different people MINE just are a little left field! I dont go out alot as I have never left Samuel to go out and have FUN, at home or AT night never have never will, he does however go to my friend Sue's or on the odd occassion to my employers when I have indeed gone out (twice last year) and once so far this year. I am in effect a solo parent living in amongst 3 households that ARE HUGELY busy and as my EMPLOYERS always tell ME THEY COULDNT do what they do WITHOUT ME I know that and they know I know that. AFTER my week of work AND other activities I do my winding down by housework IT is catarthic for me and actually gives me pleasure (shakes head I can feel the looney bin people arriving anytime soon!).

I thought long and hard about the "FUN" things last night in terms of others perception of fun,at the end of a week where I have been too WORK, karate drop off and pick up Mon/Thurs and whilst Samuel is at karate I have 1hr 15 mins to prepare and cook our family dinner Mon and Thurs, late night work Tues/Wed where I have cooked my families dinner and got it in the crockpot before I even start work then gone to work and done it all over again, A full days work Monday and Friday swimming on Friday now and Samuel has started Badminton after school on WED, our WEEK is so FULL ON that for me being a homebody on the weekend is ME to a T, to enable me to function during the week at literally 3 households I have to pull finger on the weekends and BE on top of my game during the week. I counted up I cook during the week alone Mon - Thurs 8 main meals (and can make anything from 4 - 24 lunches for 4 people) for 3 family houses and I KNOW I DONT have to point out that cooking just for ONE FAMILY at times is a CHORE, thats why my friend spoils me/us on Fri and Sat nights its her way of saying thaks to me cooking during the week she dine with us when I/We are home . She appreciates it and I appreciate not having to cook on the weekends generally, although when we have a BBQ its always at our place and Jason and I cook it.

If I wasn't an organised anal person NOTHING would get done and achieved I live in a hosue where 3 MALES frequent THAT ALONE has its moments (3 men not that they are messy) its the stuff and junk everywhere and I actually love it (I am a strange person) I have to admit THOUGH I went to bed before 10pm last night I slept until 7.30am and I lay in bed until 9am reading I am still in MY P'js (well my form of PJ's lava lava) and I have nothing doing today or on today I am waiting for sun to break through so I can SUNBATHE and thats my lot, I /we are taking puppy swimming and will all mooch down to lake later we are having roast chicken for dinner I have already peeled and got veges ready (chicken is at my friends house), and THERE in starts the next week!!!

IF yall managed to get too end of THIS WELL DONE go and have a coffee!!!!! you will need it AND LYNISE and CHRIS there was NO OFFENCE taken, and I know NO OFFENCE was intended at all AM I mad (slightly), am I a dont sit still person (yes), DO I find it hard to relax (if IM honest yes), DO I HAVE OCD (most probably), does it bother me HELL NO!

It makes me the zany mad bossy helpful slightly over organising anally retentive woman I am, and there are people out there whom love me for it!!! (and even some PAY me to be that) (WHOOP WHOOP)

Right I am done rabbling have AN action packed day whatever it is you do!


Saturday, February 20, 2010


COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!

I got up at 6.30am DUBIOUS about walking because of tummy and a 16KM walk loomed ahead of me I can tell ya I wasnt confident or thrilled !!!!!! A: because of lack of toileting in last 2 days and B: because of a DAMN FROST!!!!!! FFS NO TO THE FROST ok GOD!!!!!!

Yip I got up at 6am and hit the pavement at 6.35am (yes I managed to go the toilet!) AFTER 1KM that HORRIBLE NERVOUS anxiety happened and my bowels and tummy were in SPASMS MAJORALLY I seriously knew I wasn't going to make it and JUST though ok I have to walk home in poopy pants!!!!!!(waaaaaaaaa).... I got to the end of my driveway and then to the door and then to the toilet AND I BLARDY MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! (the relief made me CRY really made me CRY!!!)

And off I go again so after 2.3KM emergency averted, IM off I walked rest of my walk BRILLIANTLY and in 2hr 40 mins did 16km REALLY PROUD of myself BECAUSE A: I seriously doubted I was walking today and B: every F#*@ER was cooking BACON n EGGS on their blardy BBQ's !!!!!! and I WANTED to join them I tell ya THATS not FAIR!!!!!!

I walked first 8km in OLD sneakers and LAST 8km in new sneakers THE LAST 2km WAS horrendous my calfs were aching and my legs were tired BUT I finished with prupose!!!!!

I got in and promptly had a ginger spice protein cookie from ATE a whole one then I had 500mls replacement organic drink and then poached eggs...

AFTER yesterdays entry I also washed 7 loads of washing and MANAGED to get 3 loads dry last night!!! YAY, so when I swapped my sneakers over at half way mark I put my underblanket on and my sheets!!!! so 8 loads of washing AND IT IS currently folded IRONED and all away!!!!!!

NOW I got home at 9.30am but I had a 4 min stop for toilet and crying and a 5 min stop for sneaker and sock change!!!!!! and sheets on in washing machine!!! (who said I can't multitask?!)

NOW you may WELL ask yourself WHY WAS I CRYING well this afternoon before WE WENT for a SWIM in the LAKE I go to the toilet AND HELLO I have my period!!!!!! I have only jsut finished like 2 weeks ago!!!!!!! and the last one I had TOOK 3 WEEKS OF SYMPTOMS TO COME!!!!!!!! grrrrrrr not cutey cutey at all......(which brings me too conclude MY TUMMY being sensitive and out of sorts WAS A: cheese AND B: time of month imminent! which IT SHOULD BLARDY WELL NOT BE!!!!)

After I had eaten the cookie and eggs and drunk the drink, I at that time had my feet in A BIG BUCKET of ice cold water (with ice cubes in it!), we got up and started WE PULLED every draw and bed out and emptied wardrobes and vaccuumed under over around through in between eveyr imaginable SPACE we flipped mattresses and remade all the beds we then delivered a bed to someone which cleared me garage of space and we cleaned and swept up leaves in there and THEN we took boxes (clear ones of SAMUELS) dress up zany clothes and TOYS you know the ones those roller containers that you can store stuff in, and then we moved all his draws around!!!!!

I made scones for lunch!!! yummmm and THEN we attacked the inside of draws refolded sorted and hucked out in sons room, then TACKLED my room and did it all over again in there mattress flipped bed moved everything vaccuumed under over around and then REMADE including valances my bed!!!!! we then FOLDED 60 MILLION sheets blankets and alike from the LOADS of washing and it all went into cupboard away, Samuel mowed the small lawn we have and off for A WELL EARNED SWIM!!!! at 3.30pm we got back AND I HAVE just now SAT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

I also thought I might be getting my period BECAUSE I sort of NEST and SUPER clean MORE THAN NORMAL and boy today DID I CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now having fried rice MY STYLE for dinner and A RUM n COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone had a corker day!!!! I sure have!!!


AND that folks WAS my relaxing DAY I have a super clean house a tidy back yard a tidy garage AND tidy wardrobes and cupboards!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Horrible Hot Humidity...........

GOD who needs it it SUCKS!!!!!

YESTERDAY I did a very stoopid thing!!! I CRAVED A CHEESE SAMMIE and I had one AND BOY was I crook (I am still crook), I had stomach cramps all arvo felt weak naseous and wanted to SPEW or POOP COULDN'T tell which, I had AN AWFUL nights sleep couldn't settle and was very TIGHT and bloated in the tummy.

I HAD NO DINNER I cooked for 2 families and NEARLY HEAVED at both houses, I just couldnt stomach the thought of eating the food!!!

AND THIS morning I still cant MY TUMMY is squiffy and I feel BLURRRRRRRRKKKKKK!!!!!
AND I had the most awful stomach acid burning feeling or heartburn NOT sure which as I have not had it before!!!!!!!! TOOK 2 mylanta it settled down some!

I WILL BE PISSED off If I can't walk tomorrow as I have a 16km to DO!!!! AND IF I don't eat today then I will have no stamina for tomorrows walk AND I CAN TELL YOU eating aint a done thing at the moment!!!!

BUGGER IT ALL!!!! stoopid stoopid stoopid (BTW I haven't been to the toilet and THATS NOT HELPING) my tummy is churning and gurgling and sounds like a swamp pit!!!! NOICE NOT!

THROW on top of that mix HUMIDITY and well end result CRAP SLEEP all round!!!

Not sure what to eat or do today as I dont want to spew thats for real!!!!

CHRIS H I dont eat at home on Tues or Wed I work late and I eat at my employers house with their family, HENCE the crockpot going at my house so the 3 guys can then help themselves and sort their own dinner out and then I don't have to worry about it!!!

Whatever you are doing today PLEASE if it is cooler at your place can I come!!!!!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Walk done 10km only .......

Housework done (in me lava lava(sarong) I might add), dusting and vaccuuming bathroom toilet etc SO all I have left is the GARDEN and that is the weekends JOB!!!!!!!!! first thing in the morning WHEN it is cool AS THIS weekend is GONNA be HOT HOT HOT!!!! and BIG FAT SUNS YAY.......

On the weekend I am going to wash like a demon the sheets all valances duvet covers AIR blankets and wash ALL BEDDING and IT BETTER GET DRY!!!!!!! Is all I can say!!!! I am lucky I have 2 lines THE one around the back of the house GETS beggar all sun BUT on a sunny day SHEETS will dry perfectly and duvet covers and all those light fabric things then that leaves the line in the sun for the blankets and WITH my compulsive habit of turning washing around on a sunny day I have been known to get 8 - 9 loads of washing dry!!!!!!!!! Hell I may even do the mattress protectors and I will lay the pillows out int he sun and air those too!!!!! AND that will start on FRIDAY night with blanket washing as I have enough spare blankets in cupboards to change over!!! (I guess that means no SLEEP IN for me then!!!!)And with my 8kg FRONT LOADING washing machine I can wash SUPER KING LINEN NO PROBLEMO!!!!!!! (lucky the most I have is KING size!!!)

WHAT my family unit don't know is that is going to lead to beds being pulled out and chests of draws pulled out and furniture pulled away from walls and vaccuuming behind and under everything !!!! oh joy and I can hear the moaning already we will do one bedroom at a time I am clever I remove several draws and just slide larger units away quickly vaccuum back of draws and skirting boards and carpet and voila done I pile everything on the beds and then put it all back and then tip the BEDS up which is easier WHEN no sheets and blankets!!!!! HA I guess that means I will have to flip the mattresses too......

And on that note I will make a list have some lunch and head into town have to post ONE parcel!!!!

Have a good day.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was blissfully reading emails and well just sort of relaxing PHONE GOES "Mum I forgot my swimming stuff AND for PE today we are going swimming!!!!" I hadnt showered so THE quickest shower in the west WITH hair wash and leg shave!!!!!! MAD dressing and up to POOLS with said TOGS TOWEL and GOOGLES I stayed and watched then left with goggles (at $37 I AINT having them LOST or stolen OR LEFT BEHIND!!!!!)

I managed to A: do the dishes B: do fruit shopping and pay 2 BILLs but nothing else !!!! Vaccuuming can wait and garden can wait!!!!!! got home at 11.00am.

I have added to crockpot mushrooms and pineapple and red onion!!!(my favourite combo), and FLUFFED OUT brown RICE!! That I precook SHAME I dont get to EAT any of it!!!!!!!!!

Had lunch now I am slobbing until work starts I should be doing housework AND I cant be fagged!!!

There hows that for being relaxed cause thats as relaxed as IT GETS!!!!!!!!!!


A murky drizzly day..........

Perfect for bed lounging and reading BUTTTTTTTTTTT NOOOOOOOO!!!!

I got up early to help my son, I got his lunch ready (havent had to do that for like 5 years!!!) and made his breakfast (havent had to do THAT for like 7 years!!!!!), he had 30 mins of homework to finish off and A BAG to pack and sort for school, he looks at his school timetable and packs accordingly HE has his CLEAR satchels at school IF NO SUBJECT homework and leaves them in his locker. He did finish and that was after 3.5 hr last night of homework, I told him to stop at 9.30 and go to bed we had to TIDY up first because then it doesn't look so mish mosh in the morning and when you are brain tired the CLUTTERED remnants of homework looks worse in the morning.

He is tired he is having to walk to school and home 5km round trip, or walk to school then to where I work a 6km trip (if he has has lots of homework he stops at a friends house MY FRIEND only 500m from the school and I pick him up after 5.30pm on a MON,THURS because I fell the WEIGHT of those bags laden with books and homework is too much sometimes!!!! ) and doing huge amounts of homework, because I work 2 late nights I get the crock pot cranking and make sure all the veges are ready just to turn on, (which Samuel and Chen do) they then clean up and do dishes and thats inbetween his homework!!! Throw in 2 nights Karate and 1 swimming lesson and WELL you have one very tired bambino!!!!

SO YESTERDAY I went for a WALK in my NEW SNEAKERS BLISS i tell ya BLISS 10km no problem with feet YAY. NO PROBLEMS elsewhere either!

BUT it rained the whole way well a light annoying drizzle enough to be a nuisance BUT strangely cooling... almost sizzling CAUSE I was super hot and the rain was lightly cool!! a very weird sensation

I went up to the school and they have nearly finished collating tests (for reading, spelling,writing,maths etc) and then it goes over the Deputy Principal desk and THEN the Principal and THEN he gives the nod and they allocate kids to Teacher Aides!! I am probably starting in just under 2 weeks!! AND also they have to ascertain HOW MUCH FUNDING they will get to allow them to have Teacher Aides some are MOE funded some like me ARE internally funded (out of school funds).

EEEEKKKKKK so a revision of walking TOMORROW I am walking a 10km then Sunday 21st a 16km then WED 24th a 10km then Saturday 27th an 18km then Thursday (whatever the date is then) a 10km Sunday a 6km AND WED or THURS a 20km (now based on how I feel ON THIS DAY) I will stretch it out to 21km and theres my half marathon walked (as an unofficial time of course).

IF I have to start WORK in that week or week after I am complete!!! VERY DOABLE!! I will also just concentrate on the 10km walks for 3 weeks at 3 x 10km walks a week until the 8 week mark away from Huntly HALF MARATHON MAY 23rd (also will do an unofficial time and course of my own here at home and am aiming to WALK THIS 21km stretch ON ME BIRTHDAY!!! which is only days away from May 23rd) and I will then head back to 10 10 12 for 2 weeks, 10 10 14 for 2 weeks, 10 10 16 ordinary weeks worth, 10 10 18 ordinary weeks worth, because all the base walking will have been done and I just have to concentrate on keeping the level of fitness and stamina up!! THAT takes me to MAY 23rd then it is JUST ON 12 weeks to TAUPO HALF MARATHON Aug 4th or 5th and I wil repeat the walking pattern of 3 x 10km a week for 3 weeks and so on and so on. WHICH I WILL compete in as IT was the first half marathon I ever did!!! (3 years ago at a time of 3hr 51mins!!! IN THE MOST SHITTIEST conditions imaginable TORRENTIAL RAIN WIND COLD it had rained for 2 days BEFORE event it rained HEAVY the night before and WE AWOKE TO HORRID conditions) I almost didn't compete BUT thought ok I have trained I have done all the hard yards and I had WALKED AND TRAINED in the rain BUT NOT STORM like conditions one of my training walks I had done 16km ON A FRIGGIN treadmill!!!! because it was toooooooooo miserable NEVER AGAIN!!

I bet some of ya ARE tuckered out just from reading all that!!!!

Righto I am off to shower then into town to pay 2 bills and then home to relax strange that! I will however hang washing under cover do THE FEW breakfst dishes, MY FLOOR needs severe vaccuuming (nah not gonna happen) and I didn't do gardens the other day it was raining so they are LOOMING in my mind!!!!(that aint gonna happen either)........

BUGGER I cant sunbathe so I will have to do ruddy housework I cant garden SO I have to do something in my DAY today to show I have actually DONE something righto DISHES first I WILL update later and TELL YALL how many of the RELAXING day off jobs I DID!!!!


Have a good day!!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Off walking soo AND it is muggy....

well inside the house it is muggy NOT sure about outside haven't braved it yet WAS hot last night.

At least I can do some more gardening in the overcast conditions, and walk in relative comfort.

And after the walk and the garden (which isnt much) I am off to the Intermediate to see the Deputy Principal got a phone call yesterday afternoon to head up so that sounds all good and promising YAY. And squeeze in some grocery shopping too!!

Tomorrow IF no jobs or appointments I AM going to do something I havent done in a while LIE IN and READ A GOOD BOOK!!!!!! Then mooch on up and eat breakfast in bed and well just hang (whats the bet I have to go to work tomorrow at the Intermediate JUST cause I SAID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Have a late shower etc.......... Loofah moisturise scrub paint shave (girlie things IN PEACE an QUIET!!!!!!!)

Have a great day today.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work I GO.........

and another weeks starts, I am over hot sweaty stinky toss n turning nights, and resorting to sleeping with window open NOW I KNOW its not safe BUT I was hot AND I DARE any robber to brave me NAKEY AND ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!

Cooler this morning and very light drizzle MY FAV programme starts tonight so I am all caught up with jobs so I can relax (inserts tui ad), IF the sun breaks through IT WILL however BE STINKY HOT N MUGGY again!!! I may brave a walk tonight before me programmes or I may go out early tomorrow morning!!! It will only be 10km and it is my choice entirely to when I go!! I will however only do my super long walks now on the weekends AS I am tooo darn busy during the week to squeeze in a 2hr + walk and then stand on my feet all arvo at work until 8pm 8.30pm!!

Right off to work I go and heres hoping THE NEW KITTENS are allowed outside cause LAST WEEK with all the windows and doors shut WAS TRULY UNBEARABLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

A nice dinner........

After a long walk and a semi relaxing day if ya dont count the washing ironing etc, our dinner was superb, I went over before my friend got home turned the oven on got the pork in and we had agria potatoes (our favourite I have been known to pay $18.95 for 1o kilo), GOLDEN kumara (and yes they are GOLDEN KUMARA), buttercup pumpkin, and a platter of carrot broc, cauli,onions (red), corn and peas sweet mini capsicum all mixed, parsley, and gravy I had more kumara and only one potatoe, then we had peach melba spongy thing with so good milk that was yummy.

I had a great sleep and slept in until 7am WHOOP WHOOP, sun is out I am going to sunbathe NOW 30 mins a side then thats it NO JOBS today might even get a coffee in, OR not!

Ohhhhh no there is a job just the vaccuuming and dusting and wash 3 TINY linoleum floors THATS nothing really I move the furniture Samuel vaccuums edges and floors I dust top of ceiling roof meeting point (WTF is that called), and I did the bathroom and toilet yesterday as well so I could ahead for today Samuel also vaccuums the window sills as we go I open all the blinds and move things JUST makes it easier for everyone!!!!

I probably should ring the Intermediate and see if they want me again this year BECAUSE I am sort of putting it off BECAUSE WHEN would I walk? thats the thing I WOULD definately have to get up at 5.00am whether I liked it or not!!!!!!!!! AND I NO LIKEY!!!!

Or I could not ring and just putter and concentrate on my walking and fitness WHICH is great at the moment. I am still NO sinus tablets and still only toileting once a day!!!! (this still astounds me), AND still no cravings for cheese, milk, icecream etc........I would say by eating those things I had over irritated my insides BUT in turn creating a monster of NEED to keep feeding the want! (hope that makes sense).....

Ok I am off to sunbathe!!!

As the sun is filtering through slightly and after yesterdays fickle weatherI dont want to be WET, or BLOWN away (haha unlikely), or up down up down with overcast conditions!

Hope everyone has a nice Valentines Day or NON Valentines day!!!! whatever you do .


Saturday, February 13, 2010

WOW theres nothing like NEW


I DID 15km this morning I DID NOT get up at 5.30am IT WAS DARK AS!!!!! and had been raining and was misty murky SPOOKY!!!! so I lay in bed until 6.30am got up and waited to go the toilet at 7.30am!!!!!!!!!! I hadn't SO I BRAVED IT!!!!! I walkd the WHOLE DISTANCE no toilet STOP (I would have done a little dance BUT I POOTANGED!!!!(TIRED) pardon the pun ). WALK was bearable heat wise BUT very hot muggy windy even misty sun showers then overcast CRAZY!!

WHEN IS daylight savings finishing?

I headed out at 7.30am did 8km in ME OLD sneakers then I did 7km in me NEW FLASH AS HARRY Asics Gel Nimbus 2E!!! I phoned ahead Samuel met me at the GATE with a chair new shoes and clean socks and AFTER A SUPER SONIC change of shoes I was off again I did 15km in just over 2hr 30 mins!! SO MAKING good time .They were perfect and made the last 7km a breeze I knew I needed new sneakers and should have replaced my old ones at least 6 weeks ago in FACT 10 weeks ago!!!!! SO NOW come hell or high water I am determined to scrimp and save and HOARD $ away for another pair AND THEN another pair ( I may yet ask my employers to pay me out some holiday pay to get a pair!!!) there are 4 pairs left AND I DONT WANT TO MISS OUT AGAIN!!!!

I am sick of subbing out $ OBVIOUSLY for everyone else and YET me whom DESPERATELY needs trousers, casual pants (others getting too big), and fitted well shaped tops HAVE no money for ME!!!! and walking shoes too and I badly need new sandals and casual shoes IT is a never ending problem with me I hang on and hang on and THEN have too replace heaps at once!!!!!(and yet I spoil my child!!! shakes head I know) at least the REDSTUFF purchased will last 2-3 years I made sure of bigger sizes etc, AND he is in the same HOUSE COLOUR all through college! and the $ I spent was mostly items at op shop or $2 shop and the paultry amount wouldnt even have bought half a pair of sneakers BUT still it could have gone towards another pair oh well.

When I got back I had 2 lovely pieces of BBQ marinated steak from last night (I hadnt had any breakfast!!) and by 10AM I WAS STARVING!!!!!!!! then I had organic fluid replace and bunged me feet in ICE COLD water with ICE IN IT shyte makes ya jump I tell ya!

Put me feet up for an hour watched Aussie Idol re runs and was waiting for Samuels friend to arrive his parents are off to the MISSION (Hawkes Bay) for the concert (dont know who is playing forgot to ASK!!), and he is here from 11.30am until 7pm when heis brother will pick him up!!

Got loads washing DONE last night AND IT IS 99% dry have 6 items just hanging under cover (like I always do I hung out all the light easy dry stuff on over door hanger and clothes horse LAST NIGHT!) and left all the sheets for the line BECAUSE weahter is wishy washy and dicey at the moment! Sunny rainy windy cloudy overcast all in one day!!!!! After lunch which is in 10 mins I AM IRONING and that is it for me!!!!

Tonight we are having Roast Pork for dinner and all the trimmings and A PUDDING with SOY MILK!!!!!! OHHHHHHH did I tell yall I am having Soy milk now and it is GREAT I LOVE IT!!!!!! my tummy and bowel ARE 100% FINE with it YAY (and still I cant dance I STILL too POOTANGED!)

TOMORROW we are totally BLOBBING out!!!! I promise myself too I am munted and watching sports yesterday walking around and helping out too at some things I was tired I wore totally inappropriate shoes me casual sandals they have a wedge heel I should have worn my sneakers!!!!!! or better bare feet!!!!! everyone else was bare feet!!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend.


Friday, February 12, 2010


NOW HOW swexy IS THIS THAT haha ON HIS back was a SUPERMAN CAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WEll sports day a huges SUCCESS and my son has HARDCORE RED and he loved it the day was good and he qualified for long jump high jump just missed out on javelin and RELAY FINALS!!!!!! I enjoyed myself too HE HAD a red canvas bag with pom poms teddy and flowers and HE HAD a RED LUNCHBOX with all RED FOOD ie plum, apple nectarine cherry toms, and then RED PACKETS peanuts, rice crackers, jellies AND RASP LOLLIES and kit kat!!!!!!!!!!!

I worked early this morning for 2 hours SO I Could spend all day at school.......

WE having steak eggs and chips for dinner and WE WILL EJNOY it I will need good stoogy carbs for tomorrow 14km AM aiming to get up at 5.30am BECAUSE I DO NOT want to be walking in the heat!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday NEARLY the weekend

Have had an interesting week and today no different MOWING lawns before maybe it RAINS, walked this morning just 10km have a 14km on either saturday or sunday.....

Am off to pay some money onto school ACCOUNT before the March invoice comes FOR INCIDENTALS WTF (they had already warned us it was coming last year) this is too cover core subject costs and textbooks and other SHIT!

AM working early today AS Son's school athletics IN FULL HOUSE COLOURS tomorrow so am doing 2.5hrs extra workk today and an 1.5 tomorrow so I can be at school the whole DAY!!!!! and thats FRIDAY wiped out!!!! I am wearing a LION RED hawaii summer shirt over a red TANK TOP and me TOTALLY GORGEOUS (NOT straw hat ) with red fake flowers in the brim!! and RED NAILS AND TOENAILS gotta look the part! eh!

Right must get into it and organised SUNBATHED yesterday cant see it happening today though cloudy and murky!!! (I ONLY sunbathe for 20mins each side SO really its just a lie in the sun!!!)

Have a good day.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


YAY after a homework fest LAD comes home with NONE he then went swimming with next door neighbour and THE PUPPY whom after 4 nights GETS IT that the water IS A DOGS BEST FRIEND!!!!

Finished work 8pm came home and blobbed to GREYS ANATOMY!!! yay then next week me other favourite programme starts Brothers and Sisters!!!! YAY

I have been accummulating RED GEAR for my sons sports DAY at school I FOUND THE MOST amazing red fishnet gloves and TODAY just have to buy "SLUT red nail polish" as my mum used to say to complete the look OH and dont worry I will post photos!!!! HE IS SOOOOO in his element for outrageous get up!!!!!!

Other than that have curried sausages in crockpot already am going to garden and hopefully sunbathe again before cloud comes!

Right I'm off.

Have a cool day.


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A lazy hazy day

Got a walk in got up at friggin 5am!!!!! Now to get car in AND so help me god IF IT COSTS me anything I WILL LEAVE it on the side of the road, WHAT with school fees costumes and EXTRAS, is there A BEYOND FLAT BROKE? Ha me and 1 million other parents I dare say.
GOT car in and then walked into TOWN stupid move NO BREKKIE walked past kids EATING PIES SHIT they smelled nice!!!!!!!

Now I have sore legs CAUSE I had good shoes on and thought OH what the hey ITS NOT FAR!!!!! try 2km in dress sandals waaaaaaaaa.....

And then groceries thats it OHHHHHHHHHHHH and coffee, yay I am tired today the place where I work at HAS NEW KITENS!!!!! the HOUSE is totally closed up they are soooooo tiny and BOY it was like working in a sweat box yesterday no windows open for fresh air I drank AT LEAST 2 litres of water!!!!

Son only got 2 lots of homework !!!YAY he is done and dusted! already !!

Have organised Samuel to go to my "aunties" not related she lives near the school and he then doesnt have to walk 45 mins IN the sweltering afternoon sun and heat!!!! He had karate yesterday AND boy it was SWEAT CITY!!! he was buggered THE PAY off a SWIM in the lake after dinner SHIT the water was WARM!!!!!

What ever you are doing HAVE a great day.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Beautiful Day........

Yesterday stunning HOT yip still yip and relaxing NOPE Idid washing SHEETS hung some out at 3.30pm dry at 4.30pm! folded and put away! I did some ironing BLUUURRRRKKKK in this heat, I covered 14 books YUCK got better at it towards the end though, SON did another 2.5hrs homework total 9.5hrs ridiculous I tell ya!

I sunbathed early like 9am until 10.20am then STAYED INDOORS and blobbed I DID HOWEVER vaccuum dust clean and mop floors did toilet bathroom etc SO I CAN have an easy run this week!!!

We had another BBQ last night and we took the puppy swimming again and AGAIN I got in the LAKE TO SWIM blardy bootiful!!!! it was!

I am off to hang out more washing then off to work I have 90% of dinner preparation and I am organised!!! YAY I want to be ahead so tomorrow I can have a NICE RELAXING coffee with my friend and do JACK NOTHING (if ya count grocery shopping nothing! and picking up more walking shoes and paying bills NOTHING! Oh and I have a 10km walk tomorrow and GET MY car in for a warrant!)

OHHHHHH I went to the hairdressers last Tuesday and they wont do my hair for another 3 months!! until the 12 month time is up so IT DOESNT damage my hair when it is touched up IT IS CHANGING I can feel it, it has an underlying fluffiness and fullness IT STILL looks good and is STRAIGHTISH and it ISSSSSSSSSSSSS way better than the buffy frizz I HAD thats for blardy real! So roll on MAY is all I can say! OH thats my birthday MONTH hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Have a great Day.


Sunday, February 07, 2010


I had a great sleep UNTIL 4am!!!! IT was sooooooooooo hot last night I slept with fan on in room washing over me I FLUFFED sheets I turned over pillow when it became too hot I moved over to the other side of the bed (I have a king size bed ALL TO MESELF!!!! yay) BUT NOOOOOOOO no escaping the heat boy lucky I aren't too busy today I have books to COVER with clear coverseal !!!(I hate that job!!!).

Body is surprisingly fine YAY, no soreness anywhere YAY, ALSO have had SO GOOD 2 days in a row AND NOOOOOOO side effects YAY it is nice and Samuel LOVES it too he had a wee taste, NOW he has been off dairy (milk yoghurt cheese and icecream) for 6 nights now and HE HAS HAD no problems at night, snuffling GONE rubbing nose continuously GONE snorting in his sleeep GONE grunting and horrible nose noises GONE, SNORING GONE!!!!!!!!!! Throat clicking and swallowing GONE I tell ya he sounded LIKE A BABY PIG honestly he did! I am thrilled I have had NO LORATABS(sinus medication) since stopping DAIRY !!!!!!!!!!! AND NO other side effects.

I had been paluged WITH since BIRTH my plunket BOOK was riddled with "Babys mum complains baby Sharon snuffly, flu like symptoms, chesty, sneezy, (we used to get scolded milk!!!!), eczema!!!! I have had issues I know all my life!!!! I know that and always remember sculling cold milk home from school and having a burning sensation as it went down, I always remember in my very early 20's HAVING a shopping list of NOSE complaints!!!! AND MY DOCTOR sending me to ENT specialist having my nose BURNT on the inside to stop bleeding and alike I always remember icky tummy terrible bowels and all that!!!! constant thirst problems from DRINKING anything and everything to quench a thirst when WHAT I THOUGHT was sinustitis( which I have been diagnosed for) and there ARE SO MANY ore stories that it is endless A SIMPLE solution to my many years of AGONY and UNCOMFORTABLENESS!!!!!

Had a lovely BBQ last night we went for a swim before dinner and took next doors puppy/young dog and he loved it a bit tentative but it cooled us all off THE LAKE WAS WARM!!!!!!!!!!!! well in the shallows it was warm I havent felt the lake like that for a few years now!

MY POOR son had homework WED/THUR/FRI night about an hour each night BUT he did 4 hours homework yesterday and he has about 1 - 2 hours left today RIDICULOUS lucky we weren't away EH!!!!!!!! He has perservered and potted away he had breaks in between playstation an hour lunch morning tea etc went to his friends up the road for 2 hours so he had decent breaks.

I found the most AMAZING shoes (walking) yesterday MY ASICS GEL NIMBUS woop woop at Smiths Sports Shoes and scored a wicked deal $389 down to $289 NOW down to $180 last seasons colours!! DONT CARE there are 4 pairs there I am going to buy at least 2 maybe 3 and stockpile them!!! I bought 1 pair yesterday they are cushioned and padded ALL ALONG the sole not just heel and toes etc and in a 2E because I have SASA feet (island/maori feet) and boy they felt like HEAVEN on me feet after yesterdays effort!!!

We are off to get sandals BLACK leather ones for school ahve one very HOT FOOT BOY!!!!! on special half price SCORE, red jandals red nail polish and look at red WIG I found then home before traffic and crowds start.......

Have a great day.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

STAN WAS COOL!!!!!!!! WALK WAS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

We got to the venue at 4.10pm were second in line and got NEAR the front not standing sitting comfortably in the shade and IT WAS GREAT, lovely atmospher GREAT pre band entertainment "Fisher Kings from Rotorua" THEY played great old songs and new and ALL REALLY SINGALONGABLE!!!!! (ha), THEN STAN came on WOW he is handsome and talented and funny and HE has a great voice, was awesome night got home about 9pm (venue was ALCOHOL FREE) TOTAL BAN and it was great FAMILIES EVERYWHERE!!!!! Kids totally dancing and rocking out very cool! It was a beautiful night and atmosphere GREAT we throughly enjoyed ourselves.....

I ate MY SAMMIES and some chocolate and some sausage rolls AND drank some mountain dew and LOADS OF WATER AND FRUIT!!!!

ALARM goes off at 5am I roll over, finally woke up at 7.15am GOT UP dressed TOILETED (TMI I KNOW) then hit the pavement 7.40am TOTALLY OVERCAST and coolish until 9.45am and the last 15mins a bit hot BUT by then I had walked 2hrs and 5 mins AND WAS HOT AS!!!!!! so too me it was like a ruddy SAUNA!!!! so I DID

14km in 2hrs 20mins was really enjoyable NO ISSUES foot leg bum !!!!!!!!! YAY, and when I got home I ICED my feet in large bucket 2 trays of ice and water, iced me LEG, with bag of saved ice from freezer, ate poached eggs on toast immediately drank 500mls of OUR ORGANIC fluid replace formula drank water and rested for about an hour I did take a pain relief pill to relax my muscles down though and IT CERTAINLY HELPED!!!!!! HAVE just got out of shower and feel great NOW I AM GOING into town to pick up me NEW walking SHOES!!!!!!!! and then when I get back I am going to SUNBATHE YAY ...........

OHHHHHHHH my sons school has ATHLETICS day next FRIDAY now they dress up HARDCORE!!!!!!!!! he is in Ruapehu RED and so far we have satin BOXING shorts RED with WHITE band around bottom of leg hem!!!! red and whit T SHIRT, RED NAILPOLISH for fingers and toes RED MESH HALF GLOVES (similar to goth wearing BLACK MESH GLOVES but these are BRIGHT RED) yes I know AND RED JANDLES, he has red glitter FOR STARBURST ON ARMS now get this he has COME from a school where although you could dress up YOU COULDNT CHEER WHISTLE ETC and let GO NOW HE IS at a school WHERE IT IS NO HOLDS BARRED he is soooooooooooo in his element HE IS ALREADY MAJORALLY AMPED about it!!!!!!!!! THE performer in him loves it THE TOAD!!!! HE WANTS a red cape BUT I CANT FIND ONE and I dont think I could get one in TIME!!!! BUGGER IT he will stay in RED HOUSE for 5 years so I am going to invest in ONE for future use!!!! PLEASE IF SOMEONE has a red CAPE PLEASE CAN YOU LET ME KNOW..............

OF course also THEY GET TO WEAR IT TOO SCHOOL they come DRESSED IN THEIR COLOURS and he has to walk about 2.5km to school OVER A STATEHIGHWAY in that get up NOOOOOOOIIIIICCCCCCEEEEE but for us WE HAD EVERY OTHER COLOUR IMAGINABLE!!!!!!!! but friggin red!!!

OH well.........

Right I am off to brave the traffic!!!

It is glorious here hot as I have 2 loads washing done and in that only 9 items TO BE IRONED !!!!!!! holy yay for me. TONIGHT we are having A BBQ yay easy peasy.

Have an awesome Waitangi Weekend.


Friday, February 05, 2010

STAN THE MAN is here...

Woop Woop!!

Got some sunbathing in yesterday TODAY is meant to be quite hot here I am off to work have got CORNBEEF int eh crockpot and THEN home to whip up a quick salad for the people NOT GOING to concert, and cut cornbeef for sammies MAKE sausage rolls and HEAD to the VENUE gates open 5pm we are going to be there 4pm to LINE UP and get adecent close park AND THEN enjoy!!!! Have got Cornbeef sammies to go, sausage rolls to cook got drink ICED UP BOTTLES in freezer some chippies fruit and some Toblerone choc $1 bar on special the Fruit n Nut one Samuel and I will share INFACT Iwill have one triangle AND he can share with his friends (then I eat less!!!).

DIDNT walk yesterday as I have a 14km walk to do on Saturday AND I AM getting up SUPER EARLY TO DO IT!!!!!!!probably start 5.45am again because I will be going for at least 2hr 10mins 2hr 20 mins!!!!! and want it over before 8.30am!!!!!!! before the heat comes!!!!

Well im out the door and into it!!!

Have a great Day!!


Thursday, February 04, 2010


Until STAN is here WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, we are sooo excited !!!!

Yesterday the Welcome at school was great, BOT, TEACHERS and YEAR 13 students greet on the NEW YEAR 9 and you had to HONGI, KISS or SHAKE hands with every person!!!!

The students (YR 9) looked so new and handsome and EXCITED, had cuppa tea short yakk and then home, picked a few more bits of stationary just pens and pencils, Samuel saw these funky clear LARGE A4 folders in DIFFERENT colours they ZIP closed, he wanted them to seperate all his books so WHEN he goes to his locker he can just grab the subject he needs etc!!!! We put in seperate pens pencils and RUBBERS (it is amazing HOW MUCH stationary you acquire over 7 years schooling!!!!!!) WE put DYMO labels on the outsides so all he has to do is grab each one (ohhh he is his mothers son!!! MR ORGANISED).

One of his friends is in his TUTOR GROUP they are walking to school together and when it rains the boys mum will take them they live 300 metres up the road THAT IS HANDY!!!

Also yesterday YR 13 were all going on camp, there were 4 buses out front SOME OF THEM (2)parked on DOTTED YELLOW LINES as the other 2 were already in the DESIGNATED bus drop off zone well the enivatable (sp) happened one pulled out on top of a car AND IT RAN THE CAR OVER the whole front and side of the CAR MUNTED the back 1/4 of the bus MUNTED the side of it opened like a tin of sardines !!!! and some very hurt people !! WHEN I PULLED up at 8am I said to son BOY THATS GONNA cause some headaches!!!! How right was I dam it!!!!

Son came home wired Blah Blah Blah and This and That and Then and OMG he was wired, I didnt finish work until 8pm and I got to hear his whole DAY including the SWIMMING LESSONS which we scored through the Asthma Society FUNDING students with breathing difficulties WHOM NEED TO SWIM for health and FOR BETTER LUNG DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY I WAS EXHAUSTED and he was WIRED I listened intently nodded and smiled in all the right places and GAVE HIM A HUG, I cant remember all of it but I got the general gist AND I really tried hard to look at him and show a HIGH LEVEL of interest NOW bearing in Mind I had been awake since 4.30am and I THINK I DID WELL, I felt stink that inside WHERE he couldn't see I was a little hurt I got to miss all the exciting stuff and see his ENTIRE first day I WENT TO BED at about 10pm FLOPPED into the sheets AND PROMPTLY snored ME TITS OFF!!!!

I had a great sleep and feel a bit more normal today.

Have a good day everyone! And some of you will becasue of NO KIDDIES, and some JUST ONE MORE SLEEP!!!


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A WHOLE seperate post...

Tis me baby's FIRST day of COLLEGE, he was soooooooo excited and amped, had a nice welcome and saw other parents and yakked a little , and OFF HE WENT to his TUTOR GROUP! and SO A LEGACY begins 5 YEARS YIP 5 YEARS ( the principal said so!) of learning and fun to be had. I will add photos later as I forgot to take camera BUT got friends of his parents to take a photo for me.

I musn't cry I musn't cry (I DID A LITTLE) several of the Teachers know me and ONE in particular SHE is a hoot, SHE SAID "Oh for christs sake stop being a fuckin boob and HARDEN UP mother!" she is shall I say ROUGH but a real diamond of a woman.


I must be barking MAD............

I am up at 5am to go WALKING as I have 2 hrs at college this morning with students yr 9 welcoming!!!! yay

So I have a 10km walk on the agenda and I need it over by 7.15am and thats what will happen I am waiting to go to the toilet and SO HELP me god I had better go soon OR getting up EARLY WILL mean SQUAT........ forecast BIG FAT SUNS and I dont want to be walking in BIG FAT SUNS LATER!!!!!!!!

Yesterday a little job to get the calculator got spare Asthma MEDs for school nurse, WHILST at doctors a youngish man (younger than me) had a nasty EPILIPTIC seizure he was standing right by me and in a chemist shop which is IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY against GLASS SHELVING he fell back onto it all 6 shelves BROKE LOADS of them sent all the MEDICINES FLYING he landed heavily on HIS HUGE LEATHER SATCHEL with several HUGE SHARDS of broken glass under him!!! I TRIED to break his fall by holding him I wasn't comcerned about the broken glass of the fact I HAD total white TOPS ON 2 layers of pure white or HUGE SHARDS getting into me I just didn't want him to injure himself MORE, he was fitting on the way down and continued for 2 mins to fit, I couldn't hold him all that well BUT managed a darn good hold, I stayed with him when they finally transferred him to the nurses BAY for 45mins until his friend came back to get him, (he was at hairdressers), he was totally non compus mentus, it was awful didnt know his own name or his friends DIDNT register for a long time THE NURSES were TOTALLY RUN offf their feet as the SURGERY was packed I just mopped his brow and wiped him down with towels HE WAS SWEATING profusely and very incoherent, they managed to get meds into him and slowly he regained mind control, HE WAS SO GREATFUL to me BUT I WAS SO GREATFUL I had broken most of his fall, HE NARROWLY escaped stabbing and puncturing himself he had 3 LARGE SHELVE SHARDS under him, I BARKED orders at people straight away FIRST TO SAMUEL run to nurses station get PILLOWS BLANKET, GRAB first DOCTOR with DOOR OPEN!!! (fortunately that was my OWN DOCTOR!!!), to the pharmacy staff get me cold clothes and WATER PRONTO TO THE OTHER people move back please give us space, to the staff get as much GLASS and stuff AWAY in case HE FITS MORE MY DOCTOR SAID SHIT WOMEN you should be a MEDIC!!!!!! THE STAFF were so pleased I helped THEY were seriously struggling with patients this happened at around 9.30am I didnt get home until 10.30am I was totally WIPED OUT after it!!!!!!! THANKFULLY he was ok.... although he had cut on eyelid and A HUGE BLACK EYE a sore neck and a weeny scrape on ANKLE I called by hairdressers to find his friend and EXPLAINED what happened!!!

THAT was start to the day!!!!

EVERYTHING else was uneventful after that!!!!!! got a few groceries went to work and finished at 9.15pm came home did dishes got to bed 11pm and now up AGAIN when should be nae nae!!! AND NO TOILET YET!!!!!!!! oh well I am going o bite the bullet and start WALKING bet I dont get FAR before turning back!!!!!!!!!! lol

ITS DARK waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Have a great DAY!!!


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A morning with NO.........

RAIN how nice BUT it is brewing thats for sure!!!!!! WOULD you believe I got ALL MY SHEETS dry yesterday and an UNDERBLANKET and a load of clothes!!!! So did that little ironing so IM STILL AHEAD have spag n meatballs in crockpot already for tonights dinner, FAMILY are back and Tennis starts again and all their things I will be on 2 late nights again Tues/Wed start 2pm finish around 9pm. THANK GOD FOR CROCKPOTS!!!!! and the fact my young son can cook and add on to that crockpot to make A TOTAL MEAL!

I walked yesterday a 10km walk left at 9.40am finished 11.20am BIG MISTAKE for the last 25 mins had to walk in MUGGY HUMID HOTNESS as sun trying to break through clouds NOIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCEEEE NOT... a huffy puffy red faced sweaty fatty boom bum!!!!

The amazing thing was I had NO TWINGES in my FOOT or MY LEG/CALVE or MY TUMMY or my BOTTOM!!!!! YAY I was twinge FREE!!!!!

Iced leg when I got home and iced it all through the day it was fine SO YAY pleased with that. I did take pain relief late yesterday afternoon though I needed it I could tell other than that fine.

AND STILL only toileting once a day! (super pleased with that) still sleeping through the night GREAT and I have not been taking my sinus medication for 4 days now PLEASED with that too.

Off into town to get a calculator Warehouse Stationary open at 8am and get some swimming googles. And get home before 9am BET I DONT!

Well some peoples children go to school today some tomorrow some Thursday and some Friday HANG IN THERE people!!!!

Have a great day.


Monday, February 01, 2010

Raining and totally icky.....

Awoke at 6am TO thunderous RAIN and thought NAH no walking, went back to nae nae's, got up at 8am nice had a lay in and yip totally enjoyed it.

Have had breakfast and MIGHT head out walking but am not stressing about it, and considering the fickleness of the weather I MAY NOT, it is however blardy WARM!!!

Just doing housework so I start the week ahead BUT I AINT doing sheets bugger it it is too unpredictable and I HATE having sheets hanging around THAT does drive me insane I dont mind clothes hanging around because I have an undercover area for the clotheshorse/s and the over the door hanger is used on the bedroom doors away from view but sheets thats a whole different matter.

Traffic in town has been a nightmare they say but I wouldn't know I haven't been there when it has been busy I always head in at 8am or 8.30am and straight home again IF I have needed to go in.

Enough WAFFLE.

Have a good holiday day off.
