Saturday, February 20, 2010


COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!

I got up at 6.30am DUBIOUS about walking because of tummy and a 16KM walk loomed ahead of me I can tell ya I wasnt confident or thrilled !!!!!! A: because of lack of toileting in last 2 days and B: because of a DAMN FROST!!!!!! FFS NO TO THE FROST ok GOD!!!!!!

Yip I got up at 6am and hit the pavement at 6.35am (yes I managed to go the toilet!) AFTER 1KM that HORRIBLE NERVOUS anxiety happened and my bowels and tummy were in SPASMS MAJORALLY I seriously knew I wasn't going to make it and JUST though ok I have to walk home in poopy pants!!!!!!(waaaaaaaaa).... I got to the end of my driveway and then to the door and then to the toilet AND I BLARDY MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! (the relief made me CRY really made me CRY!!!)

And off I go again so after 2.3KM emergency averted, IM off I walked rest of my walk BRILLIANTLY and in 2hr 40 mins did 16km REALLY PROUD of myself BECAUSE A: I seriously doubted I was walking today and B: every F#*@ER was cooking BACON n EGGS on their blardy BBQ's !!!!!! and I WANTED to join them I tell ya THATS not FAIR!!!!!!

I walked first 8km in OLD sneakers and LAST 8km in new sneakers THE LAST 2km WAS horrendous my calfs were aching and my legs were tired BUT I finished with prupose!!!!!

I got in and promptly had a ginger spice protein cookie from ATE a whole one then I had 500mls replacement organic drink and then poached eggs...

AFTER yesterdays entry I also washed 7 loads of washing and MANAGED to get 3 loads dry last night!!! YAY, so when I swapped my sneakers over at half way mark I put my underblanket on and my sheets!!!! so 8 loads of washing AND IT IS currently folded IRONED and all away!!!!!!

NOW I got home at 9.30am but I had a 4 min stop for toilet and crying and a 5 min stop for sneaker and sock change!!!!!! and sheets on in washing machine!!! (who said I can't multitask?!)

NOW you may WELL ask yourself WHY WAS I CRYING well this afternoon before WE WENT for a SWIM in the LAKE I go to the toilet AND HELLO I have my period!!!!!! I have only jsut finished like 2 weeks ago!!!!!!! and the last one I had TOOK 3 WEEKS OF SYMPTOMS TO COME!!!!!!!! grrrrrrr not cutey cutey at all......(which brings me too conclude MY TUMMY being sensitive and out of sorts WAS A: cheese AND B: time of month imminent! which IT SHOULD BLARDY WELL NOT BE!!!!)

After I had eaten the cookie and eggs and drunk the drink, I at that time had my feet in A BIG BUCKET of ice cold water (with ice cubes in it!), we got up and started WE PULLED every draw and bed out and emptied wardrobes and vaccuumed under over around through in between eveyr imaginable SPACE we flipped mattresses and remade all the beds we then delivered a bed to someone which cleared me garage of space and we cleaned and swept up leaves in there and THEN we took boxes (clear ones of SAMUELS) dress up zany clothes and TOYS you know the ones those roller containers that you can store stuff in, and then we moved all his draws around!!!!!

I made scones for lunch!!! yummmm and THEN we attacked the inside of draws refolded sorted and hucked out in sons room, then TACKLED my room and did it all over again in there mattress flipped bed moved everything vaccuumed under over around and then REMADE including valances my bed!!!!! we then FOLDED 60 MILLION sheets blankets and alike from the LOADS of washing and it all went into cupboard away, Samuel mowed the small lawn we have and off for A WELL EARNED SWIM!!!! at 3.30pm we got back AND I HAVE just now SAT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

I also thought I might be getting my period BECAUSE I sort of NEST and SUPER clean MORE THAN NORMAL and boy today DID I CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now having fried rice MY STYLE for dinner and A RUM n COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone had a corker day!!!! I sure have!!!


AND that folks WAS my relaxing DAY I have a super clean house a tidy back yard a tidy garage AND tidy wardrobes and cupboards!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ok, a few more words, I really must give you my address for when your in those 'all out crazy cleaning modes' (which seem to happen so frequently I might add, lol).
    But seriously woman, you seem to do so much cleaning and washing, and ironing and folding, not to mention vaccuming, dusting, etc etc etc, do you have any time to fit in the f word. FUN.

  2. Bugger! Lynise beat me to it... but I will say it anyway....YOU. ARE. MAD.
    And she is right... stop bloody cleaning and have some fun.
