Thursday, February 04, 2010


Until STAN is here WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, we are sooo excited !!!!

Yesterday the Welcome at school was great, BOT, TEACHERS and YEAR 13 students greet on the NEW YEAR 9 and you had to HONGI, KISS or SHAKE hands with every person!!!!

The students (YR 9) looked so new and handsome and EXCITED, had cuppa tea short yakk and then home, picked a few more bits of stationary just pens and pencils, Samuel saw these funky clear LARGE A4 folders in DIFFERENT colours they ZIP closed, he wanted them to seperate all his books so WHEN he goes to his locker he can just grab the subject he needs etc!!!! We put in seperate pens pencils and RUBBERS (it is amazing HOW MUCH stationary you acquire over 7 years schooling!!!!!!) WE put DYMO labels on the outsides so all he has to do is grab each one (ohhh he is his mothers son!!! MR ORGANISED).

One of his friends is in his TUTOR GROUP they are walking to school together and when it rains the boys mum will take them they live 300 metres up the road THAT IS HANDY!!!

Also yesterday YR 13 were all going on camp, there were 4 buses out front SOME OF THEM (2)parked on DOTTED YELLOW LINES as the other 2 were already in the DESIGNATED bus drop off zone well the enivatable (sp) happened one pulled out on top of a car AND IT RAN THE CAR OVER the whole front and side of the CAR MUNTED the back 1/4 of the bus MUNTED the side of it opened like a tin of sardines !!!! and some very hurt people !! WHEN I PULLED up at 8am I said to son BOY THATS GONNA cause some headaches!!!! How right was I dam it!!!!

Son came home wired Blah Blah Blah and This and That and Then and OMG he was wired, I didnt finish work until 8pm and I got to hear his whole DAY including the SWIMMING LESSONS which we scored through the Asthma Society FUNDING students with breathing difficulties WHOM NEED TO SWIM for health and FOR BETTER LUNG DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY I WAS EXHAUSTED and he was WIRED I listened intently nodded and smiled in all the right places and GAVE HIM A HUG, I cant remember all of it but I got the general gist AND I really tried hard to look at him and show a HIGH LEVEL of interest NOW bearing in Mind I had been awake since 4.30am and I THINK I DID WELL, I felt stink that inside WHERE he couldn't see I was a little hurt I got to miss all the exciting stuff and see his ENTIRE first day I WENT TO BED at about 10pm FLOPPED into the sheets AND PROMPTLY snored ME TITS OFF!!!!

I had a great sleep and feel a bit more normal today.

Have a good day everyone! And some of you will becasue of NO KIDDIES, and some JUST ONE MORE SLEEP!!!


1 comment:

  1. OH no about the bus/car accident, I hope no one was too badly hurt.
    Sounds like your son had a great first day.
    Hope you got a good sleep, sounds like you needed it!
