Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A morning with NO.........

RAIN how nice BUT it is brewing thats for sure!!!!!! WOULD you believe I got ALL MY SHEETS dry yesterday and an UNDERBLANKET and a load of clothes!!!! So did that little ironing so IM STILL AHEAD have spag n meatballs in crockpot already for tonights dinner, FAMILY are back and Tennis starts again and all their things I will be on 2 late nights again Tues/Wed start 2pm finish around 9pm. THANK GOD FOR CROCKPOTS!!!!! and the fact my young son can cook and add on to that crockpot to make A TOTAL MEAL!

I walked yesterday a 10km walk left at 9.40am finished 11.20am BIG MISTAKE for the last 25 mins had to walk in MUGGY HUMID HOTNESS as sun trying to break through clouds NOIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCEEEE NOT... a huffy puffy red faced sweaty fatty boom bum!!!!

The amazing thing was I had NO TWINGES in my FOOT or MY LEG/CALVE or MY TUMMY or my BOTTOM!!!!! YAY I was twinge FREE!!!!!

Iced leg when I got home and iced it all through the day it was fine SO YAY pleased with that. I did take pain relief late yesterday afternoon though I needed it I could tell other than that fine.

AND STILL only toileting once a day! (super pleased with that) still sleeping through the night GREAT and I have not been taking my sinus medication for 4 days now PLEASED with that too.

Off into town to get a calculator Warehouse Stationary open at 8am and get some swimming googles. And get home before 9am BET I DONT!

Well some peoples children go to school today some tomorrow some Thursday and some Friday HANG IN THERE people!!!!

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. 10 km's is a awesome distance, with no twinges even! Well done. I can only do about 4 kms now... sad.
    I am hanging in there thanks! lol
