Sunday, February 21, 2010

Definitions of FUN..........

I have said before I have a peverse sense of clean (thanks to my ANAL retentive mother SHE was one of those PLASTIC covered furniture people!!!) Well literally once she had cleaned and tdied you werent allowed to sit on the furniture or on the beds!!!!! I HAVE to dust and vaccuum TWICE a week for Samuels Asthma I make sure to the best of my abilities my house is resonably dustless and in the long run it helps him. THE WASHING THING is definately FROM MY MOTHER I know I have issues there I have always admitted to that AND am not ashamed or embarrassed by it ( consequently I iron everyday nearly TO keep on top of that 5 - 10mins max) I have a dinky TINY iron board that sits on the table or over the arms of a lounge chair on on your lap and I iron while watching TV!

I should have elaborated further yesterday, I am in the process of putting a bigger bed into my sons room BUT in order to do that THE BED in the garage WHICH has been in ther for 4 months, my friend was TAKING it but she needed to see it first (she lives in TAUPO) she finally came and looked at it THURS YES she says I will take it. (and I had to deliver it!)

SO to move a bigger bed into sons room, bed in garage HAD TO GO first, because of the extra draws and roller storage in his room I couldnt fit it in until GARAGE bed went so when that went yesterday I was finally able to push RX 7 race car out and sweep leaves in garage to enable me to put storage boxes there and an extra unused set of small draws to make room for the bed in sons room !!! (that job didnt take long) Following me (lol), AND because I had stripped the beds in order to change duvet covers WHEN I do that I wash valances (dont we all do that?)as well I thought WHAT the hell I will do the mattress protectors too (AS i knew weather was going to be corker) and seen as all the beds were totally stripped I flipped mattresses and I vaccuumed uinder everything at sametime (dont you guys do that?) SO in order to FINISH ONE JOB it actually spiralled TO A FLOW ON EFFECT to complete ALL JOBS. (AND who hasn't done that started one job which then became several! lol)

AND while my son and I tackled his room our chinese student did his room totally and then we all did my room (mine took the shortest amount of time) IT sounded alot of work but only took 4 1/2 hours from 10am till noon then from 12.30 till 3pm (christ I am anal I even know how long it took to the T) also in that time THE last bit of gardening I did and the small lawns got mowed!! I knew if I stopped once I got in from my walk I wouldn't get going again!!! SO I just head down arse up and went hammer and tong. I am glad I did I achieved alot AND thats my spring cleaning out of the way.

OH BTW my legs are a little sore today BUT NO as sore as I thought they would be!

Im sure I dont have to explain running a household is TOUGH I actively work at TWO households and run 2 households (mine and where I work) I live next too a WIDOW whom happens to be my best friend (I/WE Jason me and Samuel ) help her alot firewood, repairs whether it inside or outside (yesterday I fixed the dripping/running outside tap at her place), electrical, the race cars she has 3 racecars, mechanical, ITS what families do, anything she cant handle we have a crack at it SO IN EFFECT I am helping at 3 households which comprise of 7 adults total and 3 children!!!! 6 cats and a puppy (which isn't mine AND I run him on occassion and take him for swims!)

WHICH brings me to the fun part I am an active member of community support and (my zany friend Lorraine she is A VOLUNTEER EXTREMEIST ask JAXX) ropes me into helping her alot I am a helper and an organiser seeing end results is my peverse form of "fun" for me, YOU guys also know I am involved in alot of school stuff in school and out of school, I do get a kick from that (although once again purely as an organising doing capacity), If there is anyhting going I put my hat in the ring I LOVE helping out and being involved I cant help that its in me NATURE!!

Fun things for me are coffee with friends, movies, CARDS and board games (when the family will let me) I enjoy shopping although I dont get to partake much in that when THERE are events on in Taupo we join in its FREE its ENTERTAINING and I feel I am putting back to MY community I dont go out alot I HAVE never done that A: I dont drink B: I dont want to waste $100 + on a meal out when WE have superb dinners at my friends house AND on those nights there are approx 7 - 8 of us we all contribute and enjoy good food and company, WE in the RUGBY season watch the RUGGA hard out always have Friday night footy a group of us converge on my friends chip dip and loads of yelling!!!(swearing on occassion!), and when RACING season opens (car) we are out the track alot. FUN things are different things to different people MINE just are a little left field! I dont go out alot as I have never left Samuel to go out and have FUN, at home or AT night never have never will, he does however go to my friend Sue's or on the odd occassion to my employers when I have indeed gone out (twice last year) and once so far this year. I am in effect a solo parent living in amongst 3 households that ARE HUGELY busy and as my EMPLOYERS always tell ME THEY COULDNT do what they do WITHOUT ME I know that and they know I know that. AFTER my week of work AND other activities I do my winding down by housework IT is catarthic for me and actually gives me pleasure (shakes head I can feel the looney bin people arriving anytime soon!).

I thought long and hard about the "FUN" things last night in terms of others perception of fun,at the end of a week where I have been too WORK, karate drop off and pick up Mon/Thurs and whilst Samuel is at karate I have 1hr 15 mins to prepare and cook our family dinner Mon and Thurs, late night work Tues/Wed where I have cooked my families dinner and got it in the crockpot before I even start work then gone to work and done it all over again, A full days work Monday and Friday swimming on Friday now and Samuel has started Badminton after school on WED, our WEEK is so FULL ON that for me being a homebody on the weekend is ME to a T, to enable me to function during the week at literally 3 households I have to pull finger on the weekends and BE on top of my game during the week. I counted up I cook during the week alone Mon - Thurs 8 main meals (and can make anything from 4 - 24 lunches for 4 people) for 3 family houses and I KNOW I DONT have to point out that cooking just for ONE FAMILY at times is a CHORE, thats why my friend spoils me/us on Fri and Sat nights its her way of saying thaks to me cooking during the week she dine with us when I/We are home . She appreciates it and I appreciate not having to cook on the weekends generally, although when we have a BBQ its always at our place and Jason and I cook it.

If I wasn't an organised anal person NOTHING would get done and achieved I live in a hosue where 3 MALES frequent THAT ALONE has its moments (3 men not that they are messy) its the stuff and junk everywhere and I actually love it (I am a strange person) I have to admit THOUGH I went to bed before 10pm last night I slept until 7.30am and I lay in bed until 9am reading I am still in MY P'js (well my form of PJ's lava lava) and I have nothing doing today or on today I am waiting for sun to break through so I can SUNBATHE and thats my lot, I /we are taking puppy swimming and will all mooch down to lake later we are having roast chicken for dinner I have already peeled and got veges ready (chicken is at my friends house), and THERE in starts the next week!!!

IF yall managed to get too end of THIS WELL DONE go and have a coffee!!!!! you will need it AND LYNISE and CHRIS there was NO OFFENCE taken, and I know NO OFFENCE was intended at all AM I mad (slightly), am I a dont sit still person (yes), DO I find it hard to relax (if IM honest yes), DO I HAVE OCD (most probably), does it bother me HELL NO!

It makes me the zany mad bossy helpful slightly over organising anally retentive woman I am, and there are people out there whom love me for it!!! (and even some PAY me to be that) (WHOOP WHOOP)

Right I am done rabbling have AN action packed day whatever it is you do!



  1. Holy hell and back again!!! You sooooo did not have to try and justify your lifestyle and mad cleaning fettish's!!! You are you, warts and all... and I'm sure you are just an awesome Tart!!! so there. Now go clean something.. or better yet, come here! I could do with a hand sometimes! lol
    And I love to play cards, and Stew doesn't. So sad.

  2. Hi, yep I read the whole thing and had already come to the conclusion that you must get satisfaction out of what your doing, but I worry a bit about you as I guess my definition of fun is so different that I hope your not running yourself raggard while you run around after everyone else.

    I think its time someone spoilt you a little, so I propose that one weekend when your free I hop in my car and travel South (maybe pick up Jaxx as I pass through Roto) and head your way for an hour or three.

    I'm thinking lunch, or afternoon tea somewhere (with not a vaccum or duster in sight). My shout. What do you think?

    PS: of course the invite includes Samuel and your student to if they are around.
