Friday, February 19, 2010

Horrible Hot Humidity...........

GOD who needs it it SUCKS!!!!!

YESTERDAY I did a very stoopid thing!!! I CRAVED A CHEESE SAMMIE and I had one AND BOY was I crook (I am still crook), I had stomach cramps all arvo felt weak naseous and wanted to SPEW or POOP COULDN'T tell which, I had AN AWFUL nights sleep couldn't settle and was very TIGHT and bloated in the tummy.

I HAD NO DINNER I cooked for 2 families and NEARLY HEAVED at both houses, I just couldnt stomach the thought of eating the food!!!

AND THIS morning I still cant MY TUMMY is squiffy and I feel BLURRRRRRRRKKKKKK!!!!!
AND I had the most awful stomach acid burning feeling or heartburn NOT sure which as I have not had it before!!!!!!!! TOOK 2 mylanta it settled down some!

I WILL BE PISSED off If I can't walk tomorrow as I have a 16km to DO!!!! AND IF I don't eat today then I will have no stamina for tomorrows walk AND I CAN TELL YOU eating aint a done thing at the moment!!!!

BUGGER IT ALL!!!! stoopid stoopid stoopid (BTW I haven't been to the toilet and THATS NOT HELPING) my tummy is churning and gurgling and sounds like a swamp pit!!!! NOICE NOT!

THROW on top of that mix HUMIDITY and well end result CRAP SLEEP all round!!!

Not sure what to eat or do today as I dont want to spew thats for real!!!!

CHRIS H I dont eat at home on Tues or Wed I work late and I eat at my employers house with their family, HENCE the crockpot going at my house so the 3 guys can then help themselves and sort their own dinner out and then I don't have to worry about it!!!

Whatever you are doing today PLEASE if it is cooler at your place can I come!!!!!



  1. Yip it was bloody hot last night yet again.... roll on winter is all I can say lol..... hope the tummy settles soon :-)

  2. It's really nice here today... we have a strong wind and it was cloudy all morning, so much much cooler. Now.. it's sunny but still windy so bearable.
    Bummer about the crook tummy, I hope you are feeling much better now!
