Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was blissfully reading emails and well just sort of relaxing PHONE GOES "Mum I forgot my swimming stuff AND for PE today we are going swimming!!!!" I hadnt showered so THE quickest shower in the west WITH hair wash and leg shave!!!!!! MAD dressing and up to POOLS with said TOGS TOWEL and GOOGLES I stayed and watched then left with goggles (at $37 I AINT having them LOST or stolen OR LEFT BEHIND!!!!!)

I managed to A: do the dishes B: do fruit shopping and pay 2 BILLs but nothing else !!!! Vaccuuming can wait and garden can wait!!!!!! got home at 11.00am.

I have added to crockpot mushrooms and pineapple and red onion!!!(my favourite combo), and FLUFFED OUT brown RICE!! That I precook SHAME I dont get to EAT any of it!!!!!!!!!

Had lunch now I am slobbing until work starts I should be doing housework AND I cant be fagged!!!

There hows that for being relaxed cause thats as relaxed as IT GETS!!!!!!!!!!


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