Monday, February 01, 2010

Raining and totally icky.....

Awoke at 6am TO thunderous RAIN and thought NAH no walking, went back to nae nae's, got up at 8am nice had a lay in and yip totally enjoyed it.

Have had breakfast and MIGHT head out walking but am not stressing about it, and considering the fickleness of the weather I MAY NOT, it is however blardy WARM!!!

Just doing housework so I start the week ahead BUT I AINT doing sheets bugger it it is too unpredictable and I HATE having sheets hanging around THAT does drive me insane I dont mind clothes hanging around because I have an undercover area for the clotheshorse/s and the over the door hanger is used on the bedroom doors away from view but sheets thats a whole different matter.

Traffic in town has been a nightmare they say but I wouldn't know I haven't been there when it has been busy I always head in at 8am or 8.30am and straight home again IF I have needed to go in.

Enough WAFFLE.

Have a good holiday day off.



  1. Ikky day here too.
    No I do not have a huge bedroom... sadly. This house is soooo much smaller than our last one it drives me nuts, but nothing I can do about it except try to make it look nice eh? lol
    I'm not even dressed yet! So doing bugger all today!

  2. Bloody muggy and hot here and great on the walk :-)
