Tuesday, March 24, 2009

FROSTS ALREADY eeeekkkkkkkkkkk

The early morning walks have been in the dark lately and well last 3 mornings FROSTS and dam cold, I contemplated a few years ago getting a treadmill, WELL now I have decided to GET ONE!!!!! dark cold and RAIN (well no rain yet) and me just don't mix.

I am sure it didn't get this cold (for Taupo) until MID to end April last year!!! oh well

Have lost another 1.8kg so am stoked but not walking as many days I bit jaded by end of working day and figure the treadmill and me hopefully will work if not Trade Me or garge sale time again.

Further to my last post the nacho mix also has mushrooms mild chilli beans and tinned tomatoes and garlic tomato puree I cooked it ALL night on low was cooking it at 11pm at night then into crockpot until 6am, then I took it too school replugged it in and THE KIDS got to smell it from 9am until lunchtime when I served it up......... The teacher said it made them hungry ALL DAY!!!!!

We have had glorious weather here in taupo fine sunny days some barmy afternoons and mild evenings then hellishly cold mornings!!! So on the weekend I AIRED out all the winter blankets and they went onto the beds and I must say we have had better sleeps for it, I am also looking into a BIO MAG, because of my injuries (recent and not so recent) I am going to give it a whirl, IF I am not satisfied back it goes(with a full refund), a costly outlay BUT I like the money back gaurantee(sp).

It is interesting actually being in the school environment and seeing the dynamics and relationships of the children growing and forming their independance, am thoroughly enjoying it alot of people asked me would I train for little kiddies preschool stuff AND I SAID NO, but I like the 10- 12 bracket, little kids I love I get to see alll the milestones and the cute stages, but pre adolescent is to me intriguing.

Haven't alot to say really I feel my life at the moment is levelling and has been panning out quite nicely, no stress, no dramas, nothing major anyhow and am in cruise mode.(But I know after the last 6 years I AM SECRETLY glad) because I dont want that episode ever again (family related ) I read somewhere that putting it out there (positive vibes) at some stage they come back to you WELL mine must of been in the outer realms of undiscovered space!!!!!


Saturday, March 07, 2009

If there was an award for slackest poster

I WOULD WIN IT!!!! BUT.......................... I have been ultra super mondo busy I was headhunted by my sons school principal to do Teacher Aide work, I accepted and am now working 10 hours at school 3 mornings a week and on top of my 30 hours so THATS me FULLTIME and I am loving it...... I have picked up my walking now EARLY in the morning and have lost 8kgs in the last month so THATS cool I think it is more to do with I am not at home on my mornings off (from my major job) eating inbetween so thats a bonus too, it is nice having more adult conversation with the teachers although the teacher aide work is only reading and spelling with the children that need extra help, and the principal was like we see you here 3 x a week and ARE NOT advertising the job we would like you to have it!!!! AND I help in the library too.

NOW a close friend of mine says to me all the time YOU NEED to stay away from school, BUT I FEEL thats why my son excels at school I was there on FRIDAY at a shared lunch WITH my famous NACHO MINCE it was a HUGE HIT so thats 5 years of school children in a row introduced to the MASON mince mix with 4 veges grated into the mix (onion, carrot, zucchinni, capsicums all colours) I go there 3 times a week on and off to the assembly's and participate in all the opportunities going!!!! AND VOILA a job came out of it so IM THRILLED, also the school is going to send me away for training etc so that is cool and it is exciting most of the kids know me.
Picked up also a little job babysitting for a family of FOUR !!!! eeeeeeeekkkk just a once a night thing once a month I came reccommended (from my employers GOD BLESS THEM lol with the strictest rules though NO POACHING!!!) to them and I charged them HUGE amount in the hope it would deter them !!!!!THIS IS where the I can't say NO thing comes into play! I thought if I charged them an exorbatent amount they might reconsider BUT NO (they didnt batter on eyelid!) Their kiddies are 10,9,7,6 and super energised but delightful full of chatter and life, and love board games MY FAVOURITE scrabble, monopoly,trouble so we had a hilarious afternoon night.

THE IRONMAN event is here in Taupo this weekend so all the tanned toned buffed people are here and I AM not venturing out the weather improved a little no wind or torrential rain but overcast drizzle to steady rain at times and no gale winds SO LUCKY for them.
My gorgeous son is going for his 2nd BROWN belt in karate (there is 3 levels of brown THEN BLACK ) on Monday and he is so pschyed he trains 2x a week ALL YEAR round and is motivated committed passionate and his teacher(here in Taupo George and the MASTER (Takahshi from Japan visits once a year) have high expectations he is around SEP/OCT this year due to complete black belt(just 2 years to get to this he starte at 11yrs old)and is being considered for NZ CHAMPS yay I am so thrilled for him he deserves every bit of accolade he is dedicated THATS FOR real, there is a huge seminar in Auckland this weekend BUT I just couldn't raise the $900 needed in time BUT next time with the extra work I am getting it will be a breeze... also 3 businesses have said they will help with sponsorship and also a large scholarship programme has sent us forms for consideration so YAY .(inserting proud mother grin here).

I am focussing on the half marathons and am FINALLY OFF the pain killers this week and am on 2 panadol WHEN required (just in the mornings), and it is alot more comfortable and I am pleased I DID ALL the right things and was RESONABLY patient!!! because well if you screw with your feet they are what supports you and if you get it wrong its painful for the rest of your life!!! It still twinges and reminds of the pain every now and then and I AM WAY more careful how and where I step sometimes, pedanticly so but I KNOW I don't want to go there again.

I feel I will probably only blog once a month or every 3 weeks so on that note glad to read everyone else's blogs which I tend to read at like 10pm 10.30pm then FLOP into bed tuckered out!!!!!
