Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My other BIG NEWS!

My young son got a holiday job at a NEW local SUSHI place he LOOOVVVVVVVVES SUSHI and he gets to eat some for free, he MAKES it and then GETS PAID as well he is in heaven he works 4 hrs a day and in a fortnight he earn't LET ME tell you quietly I AM IN THE WRONG JOB!!!! is all I can say!

He has bought some shoes, clothes, jean shorts and some incidentals boy things HE LOVES it! and I love it too he spent all afternoon looking for clothes and BOUGHT the 2nd cheapest options in most and then the cheapest bargain was jean shorts $6 half price $3 at the (second hand clothing store ) he wanted retro worn look cheap as to rip up etc, HE REFUSED to pay $120 (on sale jean shorts), I know he loves it cause he tells me every day!!! YAY my son, you now owe me XXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!! The invoice is in the mail.


1 comment:

  1. Well done on raising a cost conscious son! Hey I looked in two Farmer's stores and could not find that t-shirt... sorry.
