Thursday, September 01, 2011

I should digress a little here.......

Samuel has consistantly and regularly BEATEN and "beaten up " by scoring direct points and "hits and strikes" the 16yr old and 17yr old in our Taupo karate club, blood noses black eyes split eyebrow bone just minor stuff GEORGE the sensei says "block faster move faster" etc, so Samuel knew he could beat some of the boys in the group easily, but the sheer enormity lead up and mental side EXCITEMENT nerves who knows it all got a bit much I think.

BUT we have a lifeline TAKAHASHI loved the venue tournament sooooooooooooo much he wants to do it all again BUT in MARCH when it is warmer he arrives 5 days before OUR huge snowfall and road closures etc etc and FROZE he didn't like it and I guess when you travel all around the world you can pick and choose the months you want to come.

So in MARCH RUGBY wont have started Samuel has 6 months to get sorted and get prepared so thats what he is aiming for and given he will have December January OF NO other events but karate training he will be sorted he may go to TURANGI to the other higher black belt instructor to train with him so he is doing 4 trainings a week over XMAS holidays his reasoning the other guy is actually the main one who chooses NZ TEAM and has more influence and he does have a very soft spot for Samuel I said maybe 1 EXTRA night a week so he isn't run down etc.........

The school sports programme has started him on an intense programme short sharp weights QUICK movements like weightlighting movements of clean and jerk etc to exact FAST muscle movement to mimic his own fighting style press ups chin ups etc and a little cardio.

The sports psychologist is seeing him once a week too so all in all I think it may be better for him.

So heres hoping it all moves forward.



  1. my son did karate for a year and a half before he didnt want to do it anymore.. i wish he had stuck with it.

  2. And how was the Rugby?????? and can you txt me your number where you live now, so I can buzz you sometime :-)
