Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank goodness the weekend is over........

That was a mammoth weekend shopped for the 50 people, cooked 1 dinner 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch and oodles and oodles of dishes, I slept at home though.

Staurday family I work for are away and I had been left a list of jobs to do!!!!! niiiiiiiicccccccceeee
NOT. Picked up Samuel 8.30am dropped at rugby did 2 hours work, watched Rugby GREAT game despite a narrow loss, picked up Samuel he went to work i went to Marae and helped woth food and dishes, Samuel arrived back at 4pm, I helped served up dinner then WENT out for dinner to my FAV place it was scrummy. Kids finished up SAT night at midnight got to sleep around 1am not too bad.

Headed to work for 2 hours early this morning Sunday went to Marae did brekkie dishes went home did 3 loads washing, went back to Marae got Samuel spent 1 hour at storage shed sorted and condensed took load to dump.came home picked in said washing FOLDED and IRONED!!!! now sitting on me BUM I have earned my rest, we popped our dinner in the crockpot early this morning corned beef and we are all set!!!

I do this all again next weekend as another KAPA HAKA noho( practice etc).


1 comment:

  1. You are always so busy!!!
    Sorry have not been able to find knickers you wanted here.
