Thursday, August 13, 2009

Black Pudding Black Betty Black Mambo

NOPE none of the above ......................................................................................................................
MY YOUNG SON .................................................................................................................................


What happened is March 2009 he got his 2nd brown belt (brown belts have 3 levels before black), then there was meant to be another belt grading in June WELL they the masters didn’t have one and that meant Samuel WOULD have sat his last brown belt AS BLACK BELTS can only be graded by “Takahashi” the Japanese master he only comes every 8 months….. I complained saying I felt it was unfair that Samuel trains twice a week for 2 1/2 years and misses getting his black belt because of administration cockups END RESULT Takahashi heard our case and awarded him his black belt (THIS HAS NEVER been done before!!!!)MY YOUNG SON is ecstatic and I took him to Breakers to celebrate and he was buzzing !!!! A VERY proud mother moment……he absolutely deserves it and this weekend is the 2 day SQUAD TRAINING for the NZ TEAM!!!!!!! (Takahashi is here to choose team members) BY INVITATION ONLY brown and black belt go and the Team chosen from those present!!!

So all his determination practice and hard work HAS PAID OFF!!!!

Will come back on after the weekend and update if I have a NZ ATHLETE in the house!!!!!



  1. Go Samuel and good luck for the weekend :-)

  2. WELL DONE YOUNG MAN! You must be thrilled to bits !
