Sunday, August 02, 2009

END of DAY and what a day.

I managed to find 1 more load of washing MY SHEETS and other SHEETS, it was 2pm, sun and wind still out and I thought WHAT THE HELL I,ll do them and I did SO ALL in ALL 7 loads washing in less than 24 hours! and all dry AND ALL folded and ALL IRONING DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEN I did the grocery shopping as well so I have started my week ahead and in credit (time management wise)yay I soooo love days like that housework polished off and even school lunches sorted I am up early tomorrow as I am in a competition at 7am on the Radio WILL TELL ya'll IF I WIN!!!!!! then Im off to LTSA for a warrant before work then its groundhog day again too and it starts the week as per the norm and into BUT bearing in mind son's maths (he is away for 2days and one night), I dont get the luxury AT ALL of him being away from me and its certainly well deserved on my part I feel.I am cruising trade me for bargains and just relaxing!Hace a good week everyone.


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