Monday, April 05, 2010

Glorious 4 days off.........

I have done sweet fanny annie, walked sunbathed and READ and didn't leave the house over the entire EASTER weekend until today at lunchtime TRAFFIC not too bad BUT IDIOT drivers HIGH!!!!!!

Went out to Taupo Motorsport Track to watch a friend race spent a couple of hours out there and have just come home, we are having a BBQ tonight YAY, had opur Roast Chicken the other night then next NIGHT ROAST LAMB with allllllll the trimmings last night sweet n sour homemade sauce and homemade meatballs with rice blardy beautiful....

Have only had 2 marshmallow easter eggs the PINKY ONES they is my favourite!!!!!!! and a small handful of mini easter eggs candy covered shell ones HAVE had lovely lay ins until 8am!!! which in fact is 9am!!!!!!!! (daylight savings finished here 2 nights ago so WE wind clocks one hour back!!!)

Am at work tomorrow and all week then family is away for 5 - 7 days and I AM ON little kitten DUTY!!!!!! they are super cute BUT super naughty!!! (brother and sister!!) they get seperation anxiety IM SURE!!! I can at least let them out in the morning and jolly them along and then they get shut in at night for there own safety!! ( I will take day trip to Rotorua though I told them I am not hanging around all day for kittens!!).

The weather has been glorious just glorious long my it continue into next week too.

I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter and have been relaxing and enjoying family time.


1 comment:

  1. Yaaa for a relaxing few days ... and good weather... and only a few easter eggs!
