Monday, June 07, 2010

No rest for the WICKED...........

I have decided I must be WICKED for the whole entire WORLD!!!!!!!!!! then cause have I rested Errrrrrr NOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

I didn't reset my alarm and off it went at 6.30am AFTER the BIGGEST EVER weather RAIN BOMB hit our area I swear to god I thought the roof was gonna CAVE IN it was UNBELIEVEABLY HEAVY!!!!!! that was at 5am!!!! and it woke me up it was thrashing onto the windows I woke with a start so did the cat!!!!!

SO there I am awake at 5am but went back to sleep then ALARM went off at 6.30am SO up I got RAIN PISSING DOWN i had brekkie got dressed THREW me famous spaghetti and meatball/rissoles into crockpot for tonights tea AS I ARENT COOKING or chopping anything else and WENT BLARDY grocery shopping at 6.55am !!!!!!! I was the only stupid MAD person in that supermarket I then went and got petrol and then went to pak n save as they open at 8am I FORGOT FRIGGIN dishwash! (dont ya hate that)....

I was home by 8.05am and I STARTED!!!!!!!Rubbish day here for me (how exciting BUT it is when you have normally only half a rubbish bag) and I had today 3 rubbish bags (BBQ rubbish) and I walked it down in RAIN!!!! ONE VERY FULL recycling bin AND 12 large boxes that the SAUSAGES came in (hellers) and SHYTE they are nice sausages too..... I get that all done get back to house WHERE ARE MY CAR KEYS oh poopy bugger snot bollocks I then tromped through three bags of rubbish and a bin TO NO AVAIL!!!!!!!!!! I unpacked groceries from car AND LOOKED in there a gazillion times went back to the rubbish again NOPE!!!!!!!! and thought to hell with it I was so wound up and shitty and WET BY THEN I didn't care if the DAMNED keys were in the rubbish or not!

So I then unpacked groceries inside and kept looking for keys WENT to bathroom 3 times NOPE not in the bathroom cupboards where I had been!, not in my bedroom where I had been, NOT in the pantry where I had been BY NOW I WAS livid!! but I still kept unpacking and looking, and TELL ME WHY you keep RELOOKING over the places you have already looked in!

I then had to put away night befores dishes that had been washed and I CLEANED benches, MY HOUSE was a PIGSTY!!!!!! literally I thought I am sooooo tired BUT this has to be done (Samuel had not long been up) he put away and cleared surfaces ahead of me and also DID HIS LUNCHBOX up for tomorrow folded our CHINESE LAUNDRY washing off the clothes horse, SO I started I wiped benches windowsills fridge microwave, kitchen cupboard doors, I then dusted (wet wiped), CLEANED light switches wiped doors door frames, (I knew my period was soon) and guessed it would come today or tomorrow BECAUSE I get the mean hell bitch CLEAN FREAK going on and go like a whirlwind!!!!I then thought why is MY GEORGE FOREMAN grill crooked and THER UNDER THE GEORGE FOREMAN was my friggin CARKEYS I dodnt remember putting them there AND HOW I missed the when I was wiping benches I will never know!!!!! ( although I moved everything else to wipe under it I DID NOT move that)........ THAT all took 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!! and it was only 11am!!! WTF

Samuel in that time had vaccummed and wet wiped the skirting boards and vaccummed edges, and tackled GARAGE as it was pissing down last night when we finished we just pushed trailer into garage, we unloaded sorted and repacked car with my every day normal car things, ( a camp chair umbrella sun umbrella jumper leads soft chilly bin bags etc you know all the usual things some books to go to Salvation Army shop a top too, some bread trays to drop back to pak n save, so MY unpacked clean car IS PACKED TO HILT again!!!!!

ALL that took too 1pm we have had ham and tomatoe and cheese and spaghetti toastie sammies I have IRONED 4 days worth of ironing only took 40 mins!!! (but that was only cause I was tired!) I was starting to FLAG (as you can imagine!)....... I finished at 2pm I AM officially over it and glad I have done a mean as super clean I am deliriously tired have a sore base of my neck though across shoulders, I need a jolly good massage!!! (I may use hot wheat bag actually) I HAVE NOT BEEN WALKING but dont care!!!

I am going to the movies at 4.10pm to see BLIND SIDE and I am going to practice escapism for a couple of hours I will enjoy my dinner I plan to be in bed at a resonable time though......

IF you made it through to the end of my exhausting POST go LAY DOWN NOW!!!!


1 comment:

  1. YOu are MAD.
    I hope you enjoy the movie, I saw it yesterday and loved it. I hope you stayed once it was finised to see all the photos of the 'Real' characters!
    Your card is ready... sent you a text asking to clarify your address.
