Saturday, April 11, 2009

Like a child with a new toy!

Now I found out how to download photos from camera through printer onto computer take NONOTICe of the dates every time we use the camera the dates change and give us random dates!!! stoopid thing !!! (as our camera plays up from camera to computer load)..... another batch of photos looms, firstly last Sunday here in taupo we had Top Town on the big screen playing at the AC Baths from 5pm - 8.30pm it was free entry and free sausage sizzle free top town events and A MR T lookalike competition my son entered and he won first prize so too recap before shot and after shot! It was a very COLD night and well from 5pm - until 8.30pm at one stage there was over 1000 people there!!!!!His belt is snicker mini bar wrappers around a thick belt his BALD head is brown packaging tape and the beard is marker pen he had a blast needless to say my dressing zany when any opportunity presents has now rubbed off onto him. The last competition entered was the Bike to Work day where WE both donned our pink garb and he won best dressed and a prize!!!! (a very good prize pack helmet lights reflector gear etc), and FOR SOMETIME we were the only ones dressed up EVEN his bike was BLINGED out to the max!!!!! pink and lilac and sequins. his helmet had an afro wig pink tiara and pink fluffy clips!!!! needless to say our pink gear gets used and recycled alot..... and noticed and rewarded for our efforts. Another dress up day saw him lilac and purple gear for swimming sports a hoot!!!!! Hence the need for a dress up draw well actually draws!!!!!! Tomorrow I will post more photos much to my delight (I will admit I am not very techno and am amazed I figured out how to load photos from said apparatus to computer and even saved them correctly).

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