Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Where are THE MARSHMALLOW EGGS..........

Waaaaaaaaaaa last week I went into the supermarket SAW packets and packets of Pinky marshmallow eggs, cadbury all flavours marshmallow eggs, peppermint, hokey pokey caramello centre, plain I ONLY LIKE marshmallow eggs and THOSE ones ONLY!!!!!!!!!! and now THERE IS NONE anywhere IN TAUPO ............... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Obviously I WONT BE HAVING ANY this year!!

I was scheduled to walk on a 5km sponsored walk with the school (a fundraiser) all classes got specific areas to cover and money donated is towards sports equipment etc, WELL no rain for the last 4 WEEKS NEARLY, this morning BIG FAT RAIN and it was cancelled and you guessed as soon as it was cancelled VOILA fine spells a little cold but fine spells nonetheless. Noiiiiiiiiiiicceeeeee roads will be greasy for Easter travellers, PEOPLE please be careful, but all the grocery shopping has been done (minus MY BLARDY EASTER EGGS!) everyone else got their favourites! Last minute shelf filling in the pantry as Taupo goes MAD over Easter if its fine then the boaties come and the crazy people, if its wet and cold then all the people head into town for ALL EASTER shopping as the only day closed for us is FRIDAY!!!! so traffic is at a standstill for 9km back to Wairakei (state highway 1 ) and town congested and it makes for road rage aplenty! NO THANKS.......

I have only walked a little this week was making today one of my walks and well it just hasnt happened. I saw an elderly man last week walk from the Doctors and his retirement village into town all up about a 2km trip it took him 2 and a half hours!!!! (I passed him going into town at 9am when I was at doctors getting stuff(his village is across the road handy I know) then when I had finished in town and headed back home and then back into town at 11.30am I saw him NEARLY back home with his grocery bag of items from Pak n Save!!!)Why because he has had a very bad stroke and it has left him severly immobilised down one side DOES THIS STOP HIM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he has a prominent limp and dragging leg, he has a three pronged stability walking stick and HE BLARDY walks every day !!!!! I on the other hand I have no such impediments and do I WALK EVERY DAY NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!(shaking head)

When I was incarcerated for over 3 months with my injury and unable to walk or drive!!!! I WANTED TO JUST get up and move NOW that I am able too again DO I NO! funny the issue behind that.

Am looking forward to Easter have about 8 days off and my son and I have movies planned and relaxing so YAY, he won a Mr T lookalike competition and won movie tickets A C Baths tickets, and Burger Fuel vouchers so he was thrilled he looked great might post a picture when I figure it out.

We are also planning a day trip to Rotorua sometime next week YAY (we get the sushi over there at the food court), and mooch around shopping or browsing......... more variety and just plain more quantity....

1 comment:

  1. Have a lovely easter break and will buzz you over the weekend.
