Monday, October 26, 2009

Gorgeous FEW DAYS .......

We went to the Rotorua Markets yesterday Samuel and I shot over in the morning I bought him a new bone (Maori Carved pendant) from a local artist whom has been carving for over 40 years (I have bought several significant pieces fromt his man over the last 7 years)it was his birthday present (1 month later I know) BUT I gave him my BONE on his actual BIRTHDAY day 16 years old it is he had it on less than 2 hours and the string broke (SO thats his omen HE wasn't meant to have it ), I got a new string for mine BUT aren't happy with the colour the man gave me it for free (R$19) then he gave me $9 off the piece I bough for Samuel (R$89) and then he gave me A FREE greenstone PENDANT (R$30) which we will gift onto our Chinese student who will be with us at XMAS so all in all I have had a lovely 3 days!!!!!

Although we have had BLARDY frosts YES FROSTS!!! the pay off is BIG FAT SUNS!!! and with that I did all my housework gardening everything I have walked every day for the last 5 days so thats good! taking a little puppy out n about at night too has helped BUT that wasnt walking it was more ambling for about 40 mins! each time.

So far this long weekend I have SUNBATHED (the glare I KNOW SWORRY!), READ one whole book "Sleepers" about the systematic abuse of 4 boys in a boys home(USA) GRAPHIC VIOLENT and SAD (a true story!), read my Mana magazine did I say sunbathed OH YEAH I did just my LEGS though as my face and arms are lovely and brown !

Have helped cook two glorious dinner Roast Lamb and new potatoes asparagus and zuchinni and bean platter, then Rhubarb crumble, then Schnitzel mashed potatoe cauliflower cheese and garlic mashed peas with FRESH MINT!!! (my new FAD yummo) Boil peas lightly then mash in 1 tsp garlic a little margarine and FINE chop fresh mint BOOTIFUL add alittle raw sugar!Followed by coconut sponge type cake with lemon syrup (homemade), JUST AS WELL I am walking at the moment.

When I was sick I lost 8kg I have only put back on 1kg so figure thats not too bad huh!

Tonight it is Chicken with Satay Chicken Rub with salad and cous cous! gawd I'm hungry now! The guys can have icecream slices with wafers I am having fruit salad! (homemade).

Strangely enough I dont want to go back to work tomoorw I have 2 late nights this WEEK and have to work Saturday so I am squeezing in my walking first thing in the morning (IF my insides HOLD OUT that is!!!) and IF AT ALL it is sunny through the week I will attempt to sunbathe for sometime inbetween jobs, HAVE AN AWESOME week everyone!
p.s (I did squeeze in some washing and ironing too SO I didn't have withdrawals from housework!)


  1. So glad you have had a lovely long weekend. So glad it's an dull day today.. no GLARE going on.

  2. Yay hopefully soon enough I will be able to meet you at the markets :-)
