Thursday, January 08, 2009

Exercise Exercise Exercise

NOT NOT NOT happening in this heat I go to bed DAM HOT wake up stinkin HOT, and just get hotter all day, I have however been eating really well and DRINKING like a dehydrated CAMEL!!!!! I have a banana, 2 pieces toast with marmite and garlic and tomatoe on it, then fruit for morning tea, then tuna/salmon salad sandwich, snacks of more fruit and nuts in the afternoon, then tonight boiled potatoe, salad and HAM (the 2nd xmas ham we were given we have now opened) VERY NICE, finished with with fruit and icecream, FEEL bloated though and know its the water too, I have drunk about 3 litres today. Had a better sleep (as son went onto nebuliser before bed and it settled him down to a quieter sleep), have to work most of tomorrow and ALL WEEKEND sat and sun, need the money BUT will be tired, and then into a 5 day week so 12 days straight (however I dont work full days at a minimum 5 hours maximum 9 - 10 hours now and then though) THIS week is just one of those LONG WEEKS and LONG DAYS, Jaxx will tell yall I HAVE A PROBLEM saying NO!!!!! Oh well a sleep in tomorrow is on the cards for me YAY!!! Oh and should any burglars come to my house THEY WILL be sorry for the last 3 nights and tonight I expect nude sleeping on top of all the blankets WOULD SCARE anyone OFF FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. NO NO NO see easy as.... bloody hot here to hot to sleep, have a good sleep in :-)
