Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ohhhhhh how cool I have followers...

Yay thanks everyone who have said HI and commented, and thanks to Jaxx for giving me the heads up.

To answer a few questions the "Blonde" bit. Well my ex friend is a blonde bombshell Peg Bundy look alike and act alike (her affairs and issues broke our friendship of 20 years plus, she had one too many affairs ONGOING with her Brother in Law and needless to say I said NOPE I am not playing your patsy anymore or lying anymore NOT that I did lie BUT I SAID SHOULD your husband ask me IF you are STILL seeing your brother in law I WILL tell him the truth,!!!) Lets just say A VERY awkard place to be in and AN even awkarder(is that a word) place to put ones supposed best friend in!!!!!!!!

I took the name blondieone as a PISS TAKE to her also wan2beblonde, wannabblonde, and blondeanon all my favs!!!!! and it stuck when I outed my pic on TMMSG board well the reaction was the same, especially since i have been nattering on there for a few years now.

For the first time in 5 years I had no child for 4 days ( thats a whole nother story and unless you can lie down I WONT subject you to the couch counselling YOU will need after it), I didn't do a darn thing no dishes, no ironing (yes I iron), no washing, no cooking,no gardenng, no lawns my next door neighbour is my good friend and she cooked every night so I went down there and got spoilt, (I did however do the dishes every night and help prepare the meals), as she cooked for 6 every night (incl me).

In the last few days I have once again thought to myself IT IS the TIME CONSTRAINTS we as women (not mothers), place on ourselves to ensure everyone else is catered to EXCEPT US!, Our health suffers, our routines suffer, our weightloss and gains suffer, Jaxx and I have spoken at length about this on various occassions and yet still at the end of the day WE BEAT ourselves up about it! WHY? Who the hell knows.

I will reitirate here again, when I look in the mirror I HAVE NEVER seen myself as fat PRE pregnancy I was 118kg size 18 and VERY comfortable with myself, I lost 12kg in the first 3 months and had to be monitored (ha crazy I know), then I gained 16 kg and ended up 2kg heavier than first recorded pregnancy weight. THE DOCTORS were thrilled (they perdicted MUCH BIGGER GAINS) had numerous diabetes checks THEY prepared me for the absolute worst DIABETES they said gestational they said SICK baby they said AND yip you guessed it NOT EVEN !!!!!I can honestly say I have only dieted once in the last 20 years, and that was to support my sister whom had started the Atkins diet when it first hit our shores.

I have never had low self esteem or even had lovers who or partners or boyfriends who EVER said I was fat IN FACT the opposite, I have strived for just being FIT!! and in the last few days have dusted off gym gear I have the following A bean, Total Gym (I absolutely love this), a super exercise bike (given to me A VERY expensive model), and 2 top of the range pairs of walking shoes, tomorrow begins the the steps towards the half marathon training.

I will attempt to walk 3km, and do the full total gym routine about 25 mins(on 5-7 reps per exercise SO not strenuous and just arm exercises) I build up to 3 sets 15 reps per exercise when IT GETS into gear, then Tuesday walking the same and then only lower leg work about 25 mins nothing strenuous of course.(have to see how my ankle holds up WHEN I say I severely tore the ligaments IT WAS a mess and the Doctors and Physio all said BREAKING a bone is better than what I did) Nooooiiiiiiiiiiccccccccee.

Jaxx will confirm this, I am not into Dieting or even changing food that I eat I have always been a firm believer AND I STILL am that it is exercise that jolts everything along. When i first started out 18 months+ ago I had 12 weeks until the Taupo Half Marathon held in AUGUST and it was friggin AWFUL!!! (rained all day before and hailed and rained ALL WAY round the bloody course!!!) in that 12 weeks I lost 27kg nearly 28kg after the first month into the training I discovered SLIMFAST capsules the ones THAT are now BANNED!!! they WERE GREAT FOR ME, and in the last month I ate carbs every second day so too carbo load on the nights before MY huge walks eg: 12km, 14km, 16km, 18km, 20km, and during the weeks before the BIG walks I would get in 3 x 10km walks, ADDICTIVE it became I would head out earlyish NOT LIKE Jaxx early say around 8am after son had gone to school on the bus.(I am not an early riser in fact I am a poor sleeper ALWAYS have been since I can remember, I also SNORE and suffer terrible sinustitis) I wake up sometimes worse than when I went to bed!!

I told ya'll I could ramble, I generally jump on the computer late at night after jobs done, and NO DISTRACTIONS of I want to get ont he computer MUM!!! so will update probably at night and on some accassions every other day I work odd days and hours sometimes.
ohhhhhhh maybe tomorrow I will post my Gurda the Goat Herder pics (at my heaviest 142kg then at my smallest in the last 12 years pics and my current pics).



  1. Oh Blondie I so love to see you posting..... :-) Training for the 1/2 I am assuming you mean the Taupo one if so count me in think the Huntly one is to soon for my leg.... I will see if Boyd wants to train for it as well...

  2. hey there,

    lovely to see another blogger joining us sharing their ups and downs with us.

    I am not a morning person either (so don't ring me either J, ) and like to take my walks in the cool of the evening which is not until around 7pm at the moment. I agree, I am totally convinced that I've lost weight because of all the exercise I've been doing, and without it I believe I wouldn't have lost much at all.

    I have added you to fav's so will be back to keep track of everything your up to.

    Take care
