Wednesday, December 23, 2009

FINALLY a breather........

Finished yesterday 4pm instead of 5pm but in my day I CLEANED a huge fridge out, CLEANED a double pantry walls shelves and took everything off shelves, THEN cleaned an oven!!! ALL at someone elses HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!! And did someone elses washing TOO!!

Gardens being done today AND have done 2 loads washing last night SHEETS tomorrow and IM A DONE BURGER!!!!!!!!

Have been double lap walking everyday all week SO thats good NO AB WORK yet just a weeny bit knackered, BUT will get through today and then start only have to buy 3 boxes scorched almonds and IM A DONE BURGER there too!!!!!

Went xmas lights cruising last night VERY pretty and very WOW factor, took our language student he was VERY IMPRESSED!!!

Well I'm out the door walking so HAVE A GOOD day I will defiantely squeeze in some sunbathing today too. YAY and finishing reading my MANA magazine I'm halfway wrap the 3 boxes scorched almonds and THEN RELAX!!!! (bet I don't)....


1 comment:

  1. Stuff doing all that cleaning!
    Too hot.
    It's raining here today. no sunshine at all!
