Sunday, March 21, 2010

Physically and emotionally WIPED OUT!

I walked yesterday after DINNER forced myself !!! BECAUSE this morning I FORCED myself to lie in until 8am!!! (I know not much of a lie in!)...

Jason was here EARLY with all his (which are actually mine) blankets and linen I have washed 6 woollen blankets and underblankets and mattress protectors and 2 sets of sheets of his (which are actually mine) AND GOT THE WHOLE DAM LOT DRY!!!! It is Windy and Sunny here so was a perfect day for it! I HAVE lay in the sun and apart from 8 loads of washing ( my machine takes king size blankets and queens perfectly), DONE NOTHING ELSE! I HAVE lounged around in my lava lava all day feeling totally drained (sleepy drained), AND although I know I have achieved alot this week I FEEL very tired today understandably. HAD resonable sleep, and know I wont get decent sleep for another few nights yet ( disturbed sleep at this time of month I hate that you are laying there all asleep and warm and WHAM hello GET UP NOW or face washing an entire bed lot of linen!!! this happened at 4am WAY before my usual stirring time and I slept on and off until 8am).

Am suitably ahead for this week and need to be AS NOW its all on me. (No differetn than before BUT now I know its ME and no one ELSE.

Jason and his Dad left Taupo at around 1.30pm, HIS MUM didnt come down, Oh well NO LOSS. They haven't text yet to say they have arrived I'm sure at some stage he will remember. The farewell I didn't linger for as IT is all too hard and I DONT want me upset and then Jason more upset, than he already is.

My friend is taking me to the day spa on Tuesday morning to SHOUT me a manicure, a pedicure and a facial NICE EH.... She says I need spoiling and I NEED to take a deep breath and step back.... (we are having BUBBLES TOO!) Easy for others to say these things harder for me to acknowledge. Lucky my teacher Aide work isn't in full swing yet as I may have missed the opportunity.

This Sunday has been warm and relaxing (to me it is relaxing).

I hope everyone else has been doing something nice for themselves.



  1. Take some time for you this week......

  2. woohoo about the mani, pedi and facial hope you have a super lovely time relaxing, unwinding and soaking up the moment.

  3. OOO a day spa... I hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow morning.
