Monday, March 01, 2010

WHERE has today gone?

The family I work for their young fella has had an awful accident FELL down wooden stairs and split lip, pushed 2 front teeth through LIP and busted teeth, PARENTS FULL DAY Livestock Sale(animals) ME stuck with very sore little man !! from 8am until 6pm!!!!!!!! A long day I have come home WHIPPED up a very quick dinner, homemade meatballs and a stirfry vege base cabbage, onion, mushroom, capsicum, carrot, beans, broccoli, cauli!!!! with oyster sauce IT WAS divine!!!!!

But instead of eating mine I went for a quick walk (6Km) while Son ate as we have a huge WEEK Karate tonight, WED night THURS nite then a 2 day NZ SQUAD TRAINING in Whanganui.... HE and I will be well and truly poked BY MONDAY!!!!!!!

And I just know I wont get any decent walking in!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow morning a 10km walk AND WED morning a 10km walk and THURS morning a 10km walk CAUSE Friday I am working ALL DAY Saturday we are leaving to travel to Whanganui at 5am in the morning WE NEED TO BE there at no later than 8.35am!!!!!!!!!! Our karate instructor is trying to get us some place to stay in Whanganui BUT as it was a RUSHED decision we might not be able to stay with any of the Whanganui DOJO members, Wellington people have to come up and Palmerston North people will be travelling over etc!!! SO a SAT SUN walk is out of the question I will be working FLAT OUT ALL week too!!!!!!! MAYBE a stroll in Whanganui to clear my head might do me some good!!!!!!!

OHHHHHHHHH big gloat moment Samuel got TOP year 9 MARK in his school for english 99/100 IN his PAT test, and 98% in Science, and 98% in Social Studies, 2nd in Year 9 Maths HE IS STOKED I AM SUPER PROUD!!!!!!!!!!! yay yay yay.........

I am off to watch my programme "Brothers and Sisiters"

I hope everyone had a lovely day.



  1. OOO poor wee boy ... I hope he's feeling a bit better now?
    Congrats on your son's spledid marks!!! You should be proud mate.
    I am watching Brothers and Sisters too! LOL

  2. yayyyy about Samuel's achievement, what a clever clever boy you have. My daughter did really well with her results last year that has seen her enter an extension class for her maths and english and I was so proud of her for doing so well, so I can only imagine how proud you must be feeling for results like that.
