Monday, March 08, 2010


I am a bit flat today and sore, not ouchy sore but achey sore!

Had a resonable sleep BUT didn't want to get up! Have been to work SQUEEZED IN most of my grocery shopping and am now heading back to work.

WILL walk 6km on Thursday morning and see how I feel and then do a 10km probably Sat and into it again.

FORGOT to say the friend I saw was an ex lover, a married man at the time as it so happened. HE had lap band surgery and went from 260kg down to 130kg he looks amazing BUT he was always a handsome bugger even at 260kg, I was so proud of him I HUGGED him a bit more enthusiasticly(sp) than I probably should have!!! lol we have known each other for 15 years and he IS certainly a handy person to have around and IS A GO TO GET IT DONE GUY!! (security and REPO work) and boy YOU dont want to mess with him thats for sure!

GOD I am brain fried today I feel zombie ish!

OH well back to work and then home to cook and DO some IRONING and then I am going to TRY HARD to stay awake for MY PROGRAMMES tonight!!! bet I dont waaaaaaaaaa MIGHT just pull lounge bed out and watch programmes lying down BUT THEN I WILL NOD off and MISS THE WHOLE DAM THING!

I might even get a sleep in tomorrow (whispers that quietly and tries not to put it out in the universe so SOME bugger cant muck it up!).

Have a great afternoon .


1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed you get that sleep in! You deserve it.
