Saturday, March 27, 2010

Walking walking walking....

I walked on Thursday I walked this morning EARLY like 5.30am early I couldn't sleep I walked 12 kms then went back into bed to warm up (well LAY down) and have just surfaced WAS very FRESH this morning BUT the sun is out and it will warm up SO I will lay in the sun probably. Havent heard from up the line, I TEXT'D Jason yesterday evening Howz it going are you settling in ok keeping busy blah blah blah GET BACK "yes" very helpful not! Oh well he is pottering around today fixing someones oven, and says its a hell of a lot warmer over in the BAY lucky bugger.

Have worked walked and whinged all week, have had some restless nights sleeps but managed to have better sleeps last 2 nights (because I put AN EXTRA blanket on the bed AS I think I was cold! I know I was cold!). Or maybe because of the following indiscretion!

Forgot to say when I went to the movies I had a very SMALL one scoop icecream made them find the smallest, AND I SUFFERED for 2 days HEADACHE, INCREDIBLY SORE TUMMY, BLOATED, ABSOLUTELY FOUL WIND (sorry TMI), and no toilet for 2 days then A RESULTING MESS on 3rd day blurrrrrrrrrrrrrk, was a silly mistake and I knew I would pay for it BUT hells bells come on, for 3 afternoons wed, thurs, fri I felt gross and really had no energy and CONTEMPLATED every day going home early and just wanting to LAY down and rest! TODAY I feel mucho better no tummy ache no headache no bloating and suprise surprise no WIND!

WILL walk again tomorrow and then into 10 - 12km walks next week am going to walk every 2nd day and STEP it up a bit and walk 2 SUPER long walks over Easter seen as extra people will be here to act as PICKER uppers If I need to be. And on Easter Monday when everyone is out the RACE TRACK (car) I am going tp walk approx 16km a 11km walk loop from my place then approx 5km walk out to track not sure on that exact distance to track from town BUT its close to that when they drive it I will get someone to measure distance out there and adjust my end accordingly.

And when I arrive at the track there will be hot chocolate and HOT FOOD there for me to carbo load on (oh and my scrummy protein biscuits!!!)...

I am off to have poached eggs and tomatoes on toast.

Have a nice weekend whatever you are doing.....


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