Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Walk done AND boy was it

like lumping lead legs around this morning I FINISHED work at 10pm!!!!!!! waaaaaaaa I was had it by then, legs tired, eyes tired, body generally tired!!!

Up at 6.30am this morning to GET his nibs to school for 7.30am DEBATING and Zenith speech group THEY are learning the Parliamentary formats and ACTUALLY visit parliament end of year so he is DEAD KEEN on that! Walked after seeing that teacher so I can fit everything into my day.

Arrived school waited to see rugby coach, as there is rugby meeting and practice run JUST friendly after school just needed to point out he will be leaving at 4pm , Samuel had debating this morning he has swimming at school, then rugby after completing a full days school work, then at 4pm is being picked up from school to head down to Turangi for the first of 4 days training for karate! (and including last night 5 nights!!).

FORGOT to say I have NEW protein cookies APPLE SPICE CRUMBLE and shit they are so nice I think I could live on them THE double chocolate fudge brownie was only 48gms and we didn't like that one!, the ginger spice is 65gms and is very nice, BUT the APPLE crumble one is 83gms!!!!!! AND a BIG COOKIE TOO!and has apple sultanas AND IS SOOO NICE Samuel and I love them!!!!! I get them through my employer (she and her business partner have an elite gym going in Taupo appointment only and one on one training only, they are $36 a box of 12 ) we have half a cookie after exercise and Samuel has half after walking to my work and then half straight after Karate! I have half after each "smaller" walk but a WHOLE cookie after 14km + walks!

Will walk again tomorrow and do a night walk on Friday just 10km and then DO my 21km next WED probably or THURS!! and thats it for me I will go back to just 10km walks 3 x a week, and save the longer walks for the weekend NOW that more work beckons....

Last night I heard from a friend that one of our mutual friends MUM had passed away on Sunday so I am off to the funeral well to hopefully see her before the service and pay my respects and then head into service but sit near the back so I can head away as I am working, mother was only 57 and was sudden, they are such a nice family I was shocked to hear the news.

On that note I had better A: wash my hair B: get some fruit C: hang out washing D: head into town E: remember to put nice clothes in CAR!

I hope everyone remembers today THERE ARE people outside of your own families who DO CARE.


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