Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MAJOR thunderstorms..........

and loads of rain NOW I KNOW I said we needed rain but holis bolis NOT THIS MUCH rain!!!!

Oh well never mind is kinda nice IF YA LIKE WALKING IN IT!!! (NOT)...

NOW FOR THE KUMARA debate there is some issues I need to clarify PURPLE KUAMRA BLURRRKKKKKK, Golden KUMARA oh my god!!! IT IS DIVINE it is like pumpkin but sweet and SO YUMMY I NEVER ATE KUMARA hated it infact but the new GOLDEN KUMARA is heaven, (and being a Maori you would think I would love KUMARA!!!!).

Did an 8km this morning and skies very murky and DARKENING we may be in for a ripsnorter of a thunderstorm this arvo NOOIIIIIIIIICCCCEEEE!

I have scrumdidlyoucious CURRIED SAUSAGES going in the crockpot so thats cool. Going to have FRESH corn on the cob with it AND broccoli with almonds, and I will have kumara boys will have mashed creamy potatoes!

On the bathroom front it has been over a week and I have only been ONCE EVERYDAY that is a miracle AND AND I am not so bloated AND AND I can tell you MY CRAVINGS for anything have diminsihed!!!! AND AND it is soooooooooo much more comfortable on my walks I am not so panicky. I am breathing normally have WAY BETTER SLEEPS so I SAY it is a success SO FAR!!!

I am off into the supermarket and to the bank and then too work OH YAY BUT on a brighter note I DO INFACT have THURS/FRI/SAT/SUN and most of MON OFF OH YAY!!!!

We are in the process of organising A BBQ fundraiser for this weekend WELL I AM ORGANISING IT!!!! wish me luck!

Have a DRY day in paradise wherever that is I want to go there I GOT A MEASLY 25 mins sunbathe ON ONE SIDE of me body yesterday AND weather says SWEET FANNY ANNY more sun until who knows when!



  1. ANY kumera is IKKKKK, and as for PUMPKIN! It makes me VOMIT... just thought you'd like to know that.

  2. Have to agree with Chris YUKKKKKKK - no mater what bloody colour it is lol
