Saturday, January 09, 2010

Pfffffffffftttttt is that it?!

WTF we got like a nano second of rain then skies clearing and now it is a nice day today!!!

Typical I was having a nice sleep BUT my asthmatic SON whom coughs periodically woke me AN then I had to get up to WEE!!! What is that about when you wake you have to wee (old lady syndrome coming!!! blurk).

Went for a quick 3km walk this morning7am - 7.30 will do another 8km tomorrow WHEN I know I have back up drivers to come rescue me IF I NEED a pit stop!!! I will walk from my place out to RACE TRACK(horse and CAR are both close together) as the ENDURO 12 hour race is on and my friends are heading out that way so I might as well walk that way!! NICCCCCCCEEEEE OR I may just walk along lakefront from my place I can do 5km from my place too the TAUPO TROUT on Tongariro street BY THE MAORI CARVING entrance way which looks over lake! and then that only leaves 3km along lakefront YAY!

Next week I will attempt 2 x 8km walks tues/thurs then 10km sat or sun that should be interesting!!

Am taking down christmas tree today WITH THE MANY DECORATIONS am on 2nd load washing sheets towels 2 loads and 1 load of clothes! (bugger I found another load though I only had 2 loads waaaaaaaaaaa (yay that means more ironing) I have been keeping up with my washing and ironing as family I work for come back today SO I WILL be full on into it from Monday and hate having jobs sitting at home waiting when I have worked a full day. (at least I wont have to do the watering!!!), also will have to be on the ball with my walking this is where it gets hard I work during the holidays an 8 hr day managing their household kids meals etc for their family I then have to turn around and DO IT ALL again before and after when I get home HAVE TO BE ORGANISED and on to it LUCKY I AM ALL THOSE THINGS!!! (thats why I do washing at night so I am not held up int he mornings when working), thats why I thrash my crockpot SO I KNOW I have fairly decent meals waiting instead of rustling up RUBBISH meals! thats why I do a little housework each morning so at the end of a week I only have to blitz one day and its mostly vaccuuming and wiping!thats why I keep on top of my washing and ironing! WHAT A SAD LIFE I LEAD!!! thats why I take meat out the night before and plan my meals where applicable a day ahead!!! GOD I DID turn into my MOTHER!!!!! (ugh)

Hoping the sun will come out so I can sunbathe again and probably sleep as well in the sun, not as tired as yesterday though! And I know when I am tried YOU CRAVE food ANY FOOD stoggy food comfort food, but I had poached egg on toast and special K for brekkie then nectarine peach for morning tea then rice crackers with hummus cottage cheese tuna lettuce red onion and tomatoe and PEPPER for lunch (black ground MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE!!!) I love pepper I cant get enough of it I LITERALLY SMOTHER my food with it how strange is that I dont do SALT I don't even salt my veges never have, then I had yoghurt for afternoon tea then for dinner we had rosemary chicken roasted with agria potatoes and broc and cauli with lite cheese sauce! and gravy yummmm

Tonight we are having Roast lamb DOOR STOP sammies with relish and carmelised onion and SALAD cant wait!!!!

What ever is on the agenda have a great day.


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