Saturday, January 16, 2010


Farkin hell it was hot last night JESUS can we please have a MODERATE TEMP, freezing cold for a few days stinkin hot and muggy the next I tossed n turned a bit not sweaty hot JUST UNCOMFORTABLE hot, I awoke 5.30am.......

I FELT like I had run a marathon in my sleep!!!

SO I got up my feet hit the floor and yip TOILET STRAIGHTAWAY, ok I get back into bed and 10 mins later toilet again!!! SO I THINK ok THEY the toilet stops WARRANTED ME THINKING THATS IT!!!! HOW WRONG WAS I and why not I had all my walking gear beside the bed and I got dressed and out the door 5.45am THEN ONE STINKING FARKIN kilometre down the road I have to go to the toilet again!!! (I only just made it back but had a small change and OUT I WENT AGAIN!!!!!)

So now 6am!!!! and I DID 14km in 2hrs 12mins the first 10km NICE it was friggin dark when i got up at 5.30am, and cool BUT at the 10km mark it started to heat up a bit (OF COURSE I WAS HEATING UP TOO!), at 12km mark sun broke through and the last 2km was HOT!!!! BUT I got home 8.12am REALLY PLEASED with the time and the effort to NOT LET MY BOWELS rule me!!! OH AND BTW my foot was fine today NOT sore yay!!!

Showered and I ate the last boiled egg and some schnitzel and mini sausages FOR PROTEIN you see!!! and into town did a shop for tonights tea we are having homemade fish and seafood pie!!! with garlic and pea mash!!!

I am currently in my lava lava relaxing, but I have to say I have chaffing on my inner thigh from knickers, and under my boobs from bum belt strap that the bag sits on the small of the back and the strap comes under your boobs or CAN go lower SO THATS THE PLAN it will now have to go lower!!! NOT bad but enough to SMART in the shower!!!

I found some lovely shoes Adidas Rapid Response $199 down to $99 at Rebel they are ordering more in for me AS I buy 2 pairs at a time when I like a shoe!!!! YEARS ago I was a footwear buyer for 2 MAJOR shoe companies, and worked footwear for 10 years, I KNOW MY SHIT!!! And these shoes when I first put them on (they were the first pair I tried) WERE BEAUTIFUL comfortable light snug GREAT, I tried 6 different pairs and WHEN I put them back on last!!!! I knew already they were it FROM EVEN THE first try on!!!!!

BUT MY PET PEEVE, is shop assistants whom say OH when the shoe settles in and moulds IT WILL SOFTEN and feel SOOOOO MUCH BETTER BULLSHYTE!!!!!!!! ( this happened at 2 other MAJOR sport shoe places!!!) I asked the girls at Rebel to please leave me IM OK. My Great Grandfather and Grandfather were both bootmakers and shoemakers, THEY TOLD my Grandmother and Mother IF WHEN you first put a shoe on and you feel you could walk a marathon in it, ITS THE ONE!!!! I have told many a customer that story and STEERED them into the direction and shoes THEY SHOULD HAVE not the ones THEY THINK LOOK NICE and 99% of the time I was right MOST OF MY MAJOR customers would buy the STYLE of fashion shoe IN EVERY COLOUR I could offer.... One of my customers was the TODD MOTOR COMPANY FOUNDERS mother she would Drive from Rotorua to Auckland when I moved!!!! She was lovely, and another customer of mine WOULD fly from the South Island and spend $3000 - $4000 on shoes for here entire family she would have everyones shoe size and foot size and A PICTURE so I could visualise the shape of foot NOT ONCE DID I GET it wrong she was my best customer she would visit twice a year!!! I also scored champagne off her everytime (she was Daniel Le Brun founder) ......

And even now when i find a fashion shoe I always say to the sales girls HOW many colours can I get this in!!!! THEY always look confused!!!!! Ha

OK enough of the LONGWINDED post!!!!

Oh and I am going to lookie around on DR GOOGLE and see if I may have Celiacs(sp) disease? and or Crohns Disease just curious (OR JUST PLAIN OLD BORING Irritable Bowel Syndrome), I know I had one small piece of cake I also had 3 - 4 soy chicken nibbles one rissole and 3 mini sausages for dinner and HUGE SALAD but the amount of material evacuated IS NOT PLEASANT!!!! (sorry TMI i know!) OK UPDATE NOPE AND NOPE on Crohns and Celiacs.

YIP I am a boring IBS person I know my triggers they are CREAM and CHOCOLATE (2 of which I had last night!) and some dairy not all dairy but too much ice cream does it too and too much FAT (fish n chips etc WHICH WE HAVE LITTLE OF now as too darn expensive) takeaways etc etc........

I am resting HAVE a great weekend.


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