Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I hope that is how you spell it OH well, calves tight again I think i may have torn something as it feels like I have been deadlegged in my calve I STRETCH and warm up before I go and about 2km into walk it tightens and stiffens I stretch it out then carry on walking and IT NORMALLY comes right BUT NEXT DAY (TODAY) it feels stiff AM rubbing antiflamme into it and heat and ice WHN I CAN (obviously I cant at work!) and only when I am sitting down relaxing (AND THAT was 9pm last night after getting home folding washing ironing and TIDYING UP!!)

I went for an 8km walk early it wasn't as bad but uncomfortable and a distraction allt he way round the walk! AS I did a 10hr day yesterday and am doing another 10 hr day today!!!! Blardy knew I would get thrashed at work before family go away I was TIRED last night and I AM TIRED ALREADY before I start today!!!! and I HATE THAT because on my 4 and a half days off I WILL BE ROOTED from being so tired and working so hard!!! (I am normally on my feet ALL DAY at work and dont get a SIT DOWN TIME) grrrrrrrrrr will take me a DAY TO RECOVER (I have uniform DAY tomorrow on my first day off and timetable and STATIONARY CHECK at college and class confirmation !! they say allow 1.5hr - 2hr) from 12 noon until 6pm!!! I am going there at 11.15am and lining up EARLY WITH MY FOLD OUT CHAIR!!! I dont care they say the later you go and leave it in the day THE LONGER THE WAIT and the BIGGER THE QUEUES nooooooooooooiiiiiice!

Tomorrow I will do another 8km WALK and then I have a 14km walk on either Sat or Sun will probably leave it until SUN too give my calf sometime to recover IF IT IS TIGHT still by next week I may go have it looked at!! I BLARDY hope it is a muscle TEAR or ligament TEAR CAUSE that will PISS ME OFF!!!! (they will say NO WALKING for X amount of time STAY OFF YOUR LEG etc ), maybe I might go to Doctor on THURSDAY morning and then if I have to rest it FOR 5 days it can be whilst FAMILY are away!!!

OK appointment MADE 8am tomorrow WELL at least thats something RIGHTO I am up and off to work, spag n meatballs in crockpot! done and at least thats something.WSHING out adn my lovely neighbour is WATCHING it, for me it is FINE HERE and if it stays that way I COULD get one load dry and BE TOTALLY up to date!!!!! YAY cause I bet I wont be able to WALK after doctors appointment!!! lol It could work to my advantage eh!!!!



1 comment:

  1. I hope your appointment goes well... you rest? Ha that would be the day!
