Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunny skies BUT........

for how long? And will I get a sunbathe in? I hope so.

Washed like a demon yesterday got sheets done when we got back from karate and GOT 4 loads of washing dry, AND folded put away and ironed YAY.

MY SON made me breakfast in bed this morning poached egg on toast with hummus and tomatoe and black pepper, was lovely ohh and a glass of juice.

Heading off to work DONT WANT TOO!

DIDNT sunbathe yesterday too finicky (the weather), but did do washing(as above), right better get going.

Have a good day.



  1. lol... see I am not the only one who hates kumera!
    I could have sunbathed today.. but instead we traipsed around the zoo. What fun... with 4 kids in tow.... *sigh*
    The lion was nice...
