Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who am I kidding?

I don't have a disease IT IS CALLED BIG FAT PIGGINESS LOL no but seriously I do have IBS, and knowing I have I sabotage it by overeating at dinners (maybe once to twice a week ), I do know my triggers, have done for a few years MILK, ICE CREAM, CREAM,CHOCOLATE, and FATTY FOODS!

However a few notes to add, our guests were nearly an hour late, we eat at 6pm normally and didn't get too eat until 7.50pm, WAS SUPER HUNGRY and overate! I should have drunk water before and during dinner I didn't I should have put my knife and fork out to the side between mouthfuls but didn't I ATE, I don't even think I breathed between mouthfuls I WAS SO DAM hungry! I must say though on the IBS site it does say you can stabilise THINK you are fine THEN WHAM 1 day or 2 days not fine due to foods inflamming bowel and colon etc then it settles down and bingo again I have all the symtoms a slight pain or intense cramping or not THEN NO WARNING then a twinge and NO WARNING IT COMES or a TWINGE and no control,it also talks about MUSCLES contracting TOO FAST in the abdomen and bowel and colon moving the FOOD THROUGH too fast, it varies so it is Caffeine, DAIRY, sugary drinks (which I dont have (carbonated), and TOO much fiber sometimes ORANGES hate me! , I know some people who only go the toilet once a day same time everyday (mine is 1-4 times a day depending).Mind you I go in the morning BUT then I can go another 2 - 3 times up till lunchtime.I hope no one is reading this BEFORE BREKKIE sorry.

So I will look at so good, or soy replacement, and knock off dairy for 2 -3 weeks and see how I go.That means no cheese, no cheese sauce, no dairy, eeek no yoghurt! waaaaaaaaaaa NO CHOCOLATE, And no high fatty foods, (which actually I dont have a lot of ie takeaways fish n chips Kfc etc)we maybe have that twice a month or once a month.

Sue my friend that we dine with alot she makes SAUCES alot cheese and CHOCOLATEY puddings SO I SAID THATS cool I can eat FRUJU Whip it's when they have puddings. She also could benefit from diet change she blames her gallbladder BUT I TELL YA she has MORE SYMPTOMS than me for IBS and she is coming over today to read up on it!!! SHE has NO WATER at all but drinks coffee all day and drinks ALCOHOL every night... so should be interesting. She reacts badly to cereals and cant eat fish n chips without FEELING the effects in as little as 30 mins!!!!! PORK A BIG NO NO but she insists on eating it.

WILL be an interesting 2 - 3 weeks and I will see if I can get a handle on how inflammed I am making myself ....



1 comment:

  1. Good for you lets both start and see what happens when we change our eating patterns :-)
